Chapter 02 || Library

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J e o n   J u n g k o o k   P O V .

Park Jimin, the man who doesn't have self respect and dignity. He's hear again and even Sara agreed to see him. Weird enough.

Even though she maintains a safe distance between their chairs, I beleive there could've been a better place than a library. Jimin constantly leans over next to her whenever they exchange a word as she explains him what he needs to cut out and add in the information he has collected.

She told me very clearly to sit away as she didn't want me and Jimin to end up arguing here in the library. So I'm doing that, sitting on the other end of the table with a book in my hand which I didn't realise I was holding upside down until this dude next to me pointed it out. I said I have a talent of reading upside down too.

Jimin smiles at something Sara said, I wonder what's so funny. She couldn't possibly crack a joke out of why the human brain works the way it does, well unless it's Park Jimin's brain that has only and only garbage filled in it. I roll my eyes at him, trying my best to keep my eyes on my book. It's a general knowledge one that has a lot of general knowledge ?

The most I know is that it's past 7 already and we should go home. So I stand up and stroll towards the shelf from which I got this book. I hear a faint noise from the end of the aisle, for a second I know I shouldn't look, but then I do. It's our senior, Jung Hoseok and his girlfriend. The couple that has lasted for nearly three years now, the longest in this campus. He smiles at me and I smile back, gesturing him to continue their business as I walk back after keeping the book in it's place.

"Sara," I call, enough for her and Jimin to hear as I approach them, "Let's go, it's getting late now."

"Yeah, just a minute." She smiles at me before looking at Jimin's laptop, scrolling through the long PDF and nods, highlighting a few sentences at places, "Remove these and use the alternative ones. Bring to-the-point facts. There's no need to waste your time in language."

"Alright, is it done?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah," She nods, "I'll go now. Good luck with the writing."

"I might just give up and sleep."

"You better not do that. I'll tell Mr Kim, and you'll be losing your scores."

"How are you so cruel?!" He whisper yells.

"That's just how I am, and it's not cruel. You're the one who's lazy."

"No, I'm not. I have other things to take care of."

"Yeah of course, like sleeping around with random girls and showing it off to people?" Sara says. Not wrong, he is known for sleeping around a lot, especially in the last two months. There's always a new chick with him every other day.

That is also the reason I don't want her to keep any truck with this guy. He had six months, but what happened in the end? They suddenly weren't working out and he said this isn't what he wanted. We were at my place when she cried in my arms. Even though she knew breaking up with Jimin was a good decision as they both had just been arguing and holding each other back, but she said it didn't quiver the fact that she loved him. She still does deep somewhere, I know it.

"So?" Jimin stands up, "Do you have a problem with me sleeping with anyone?"

"Not really, but it's just disgusting." She grits out, glaring at him.

"Disgusting?" He smirks, "You didn't seem to be disgusted when I slept with you."

"Jimin," I warn, "watch your mouth. I wouldn't stop myself from breaking that jaw of yours right here."

"Tell your best friend to keep her jealousy to herself." Jimin says, straightening his clothes as he closes his laptop. "I wouldn't stop if I bring up mine."

"Where were you yesterday?" Sara asks, pushing his shoulder as she makes him stand in front him.

"Stop it, Sara." I pull her back, "We're going home."

"Why do you care?" Jimin says, "You said you're done with me."

"You said you would change..."

"I'm trying" He nods briefly, "But you need to do it as well."

She stays quiet, staring at Jimin with eyes holding tears. He sighs deeply, glancing at her and then at me, "Take care of her," his voice whispers before mixing up with the air that follows his figure walking out of the library.

"Jungkook..." She turns to me, dropping a tear, making me sigh as I take her stuff, putting it in her bag and grab her hand, heading out of the library.

"Jungkook, listen–"

"Shut up," I say, glaring at her only stopping when we reach my car, opening the door for her to get in and sit as silent as possible for I'm still not wanting to fight with her.

Once I'm sitting on the driver's seat, I glance to my side finding Sara staring out of the window at nothing but an empty parking lot. A sigh lingers out my lips as I look at her, still contemplating if I should talk or not.

However my thoughts are interrupted with her turning around as she speaks, "I'm sorry"

"Say that to yourself." I tell her, "Is it fun getting hurt again and again? I've told you so many times, Sara, stop bothering yourself with what Jimin is doing. That's just gonna hurt you more. Why did you ask him where he was yesterday? Why do you care if he changes or not? If he stays at home or goes to a party? That is his life, and you're not a part of it now."

She says nothing and just stares at her lap, nodding her head at my words. I inhale deeply and take her hands in mine, "Look, I don't want you to get hurt again. So please, listen to me and stop concerning yourself with him."

"I know..." She hums, looking at me for the first time. "I try Jungkook, I hate him for what he's doing... But I don't know how I end up bringing it up again. He does it too, and then I can't help but feel like nothing has changed. We broke up, but we're still stuck with each other."

Her eyes are on the verge of letting out a stream of tears, although she's holding herself quite well, I can't hep but pull her into my arms. She hugs me back, not too tight but enough for me to know that she needs it and I shouldn't let go of her. I would never.

"It's okay," I whisper against her hair, pressing a kiss on the side of her head, right above her ear.

Her arms are around my neck as she climbs over to me, sitting on my lap sideways and rests her head on my shoulder, guiding my hands to wrap around her slim waist. I smile softly, glancing outside the window where there's no one at this time, and close my eyes, hugging her tightly.

"I love you, remember that."

"You're the best, Kook." She mumbles in response, kissing softly over the fabric of my t-shirt on my shoulder.

"I know," I chuckle, "now would you mind letting me drive?"

"Just a minute," She nods, "will you stay over?"

"Should I stay over?"


"You'll cook."

"How about some takeout instead? I'm tired..."

"You're unhealthy for my wallet." I sigh, making her laugh.


A/N- How do you like the book so for?

I updated because the first few chapters need to be out to hook the readers lol. I don't want you getting bored with this book hehe so here's an update! yayyy! 😂

Bombard me with votes and comments of you like this chapter. Take care! ❤️❤️❤️

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