Chapter 10 || Returning back

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J e o n   J u n g k o o k   P O V .

"Jungkook, think about it again. You'll regret leaving all this behind."

"I regret staying here more." I reply, standing up with my brother who holds my hand quickly and walks with me to the front door, waving once at our mother. She says nothing and turns away, heading upstairs.

Jeonghun stares at her back disappearing at the end of the wall and then looks at me with teary eyes. My baby brother. I smile softly and carry him in my arms, kissing his cheek and wipe his tears, "Let's go home."

He nods quietly and rests his head on my shoulder as I leave the house, keeping our bags in the trunk of the cab waiting for us and get inside, taking a deep breath. Finally, the first step towards making things better.

My phone rings, drawing attention from both me and Jeonghun. He peeks at the screen as I smile at him and answer, "Yes dad? Yeah, we're going to the airport now."

"Dad!" Jeonghun chirps, smiling his first happy smile today. I nod at him, humming as dad is telling me about how he's looking for a new job these days and so he can't keep Jeonghun with him right now. I genuinely feel so bad for him, mom left him with nothing.

"Don't worry, dad, Jeonghun can stay with me for a few days. I'll take care of him, probably not as good as you, but I'll try my best." I say, he remains quiet for a moment before speaking again in a voice that says he's more than just thankful, "Take care dad, I'll call later. We're at the airport."

"Bye dad!" Jeonghun says, making me chuckle as I hang up.

He holds my hand, looking around the airport with curious eyes despite all his travels in the seven years of his life have been on airplanes. The fascination never lessens, as we reach near our terminal and soon ready to board the plane.

"I wanna go to the toilet." Jeonghun tugs on my sleeve. I look down at him and nod, guiding him to the restroom first.

He comes back quite fast and I give him a frown, "Did you wash your hands?" I ask and he fiddles with the hem of his t-shirt, looking around to find something to divert the subject. "You're a bad boy, Jeonghun. Go wash your hands."

"I- I did!" He retorts.

"Lying is bad. Go and wash your hands now, or else I'm leaving you here."

"No, I'll go!" He says quickly, rushing back inside and comes after washing his hands, showing them to me. I shake my head, patting his back and make our way to our seats, among which, one is next to the window because Jeonghun loves to sit there.


"Are we there yet?" Jeonghun's tired voice asks as he's leaning on my arm.

"Just two hours more." I answer, "Do you wanna watch another movie?"

"Mm no" He shakes his head.

"Come on just one more." I say. A movie is the only thing that will keep him entertained or else he won't sit quietly and won't let me sit either.

"Uhm that one... in which there's a pretty girl."

I stare at him for a moment, before clearing my throat, "Which pretty girl?"

"That one, I don't know her name..." He pouts, "She's pretty, and she wears a pretty dress."

"A princess?"

"Yeah, but that one... uhm..."

I sigh and start taking the names, "Cinderella? Snow White? Aurora? Ariel? Or... come on, what else is there... Uh Belle?"

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