Chapter 16 || Café

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P a r k S a r a P O V .

"Did he say something?" Jimin asks, smiling at the waiter who served our order and left. He slides the plate of the chocolate brownie towards me, taking the cappuccino for himself. He didn't let me order a coffee for me today, saying I like milkshakes more so I should take that.

"Yeah," I nod, taking a bite, "He'll see me here in a while."

Jimin frowns at me, gulping the sip already in his mouth and puts the cup down, "What?"

"Mm-hmm, he wanted to meet me outside and I couldn't say no." I sigh, biting my tongue as I know too, it wouldn't be very nice. "So I said I'm free after four."

"Why are you doing this, Sara? If seeing him again and again hurts you, then stop it." He says, caressing my hand in his, "I don't know how he still manages to show his face in front of you, and even expects you to act like he never did anything wrong."

"I can't just ignore him, Jimin. I said yes because I thought you'd be here so it won't be that hard..."

"I will end up punching that goddamn freaking face of him if I see him pulling any shit. And you, Sara, stop acting like you're okay when you're not."

"Then go home," I glance at him, a pout automatically forming on my lips as I cross my arms on my chest. "I don't want you both fighting and creating a scene here. Stay only if you can behave like a decent human being."

"I won't say a thing if you're comfortable." He promises, "Anything other than that, and we're going home. My place."

I scrunch my nose, shaking my head while he breaks into a chuckle, nodding his head towards his side which is a gesture in a public place when he wants me next to him. So I stand up and sit beside him, instantly feeling his arm encircling my waist.

"Have your coffee, it's getting cold." I remind him, taking my brownie as well and continued eating. He would occasionally lean in and steal the cake from me right when I'm about to put it in my mouth, which I'm really not happy with. Why does he have to steal my brownie out of all the things?

However his laughter ceases in a moment, staring behind me, letting out a deep breath as he gains back his posture. I look back, finding Jungkook standing there, returning Jimin's glare.

"Hey, Jungkook." I smile at him, "Come, have a seat. We were waiting for you."

"Hm yeah," He nods, poking the inside of his cheek while I'm left to stare at him with perplexed eyes, knowing this habit of him that says he's either mad or jealous or maybe both. "You two have been quite close." He points out.

"Yeah," Jimin nods, "So? Is that what you wanna talk about?"

"Jimin, stop it." I nudge him, making him scoff while Jungkook cracks his neck. I force a smile and look at him, "Uh don't mind him. He's having a bad day. Anyways, would you like something? Coffee?"

"No, I'm good." He says, shifting his gaze from Jimin to me, "You came home late last night an-"

"Are you stalking her now?" Jimin glares at him.

"I'm not talking to you." Jungkook hisses, and continues speaking to me. "I'm just asking, is everything okay with you?"

"Y-Yeah, everything is fine." I nod, smiling a little. What is wrong with him suddenly? "Why are you asking that?"

"Uh..." He hesitates a little, glancing at Jimin who is giving him a questioning look as well, "Can we talk alone?" He lets out at last, making me sigh.

"No, not happening." Jimin states, "Talk all you want in front of me."

"Why are you so interested when nothing concerns you?"

"Excuse me?" Jimin laughs mockingly, "Who said it doesn't concern me? Everything about her is my concern. I'm not the one who lef-"

"Jimin, no." I interrupt him, shaking my head for him to stop right there. His hand rakes through his hair, leaving them a bit frizzy, he nods slowly as he mumbles out an apology. I look at Jungkook, trying my best to put on a smile, "Jungkook, I'm sorry, I think I need to go. I'll see you next time."

"Sara, wait," He stands up after me, following us out of the café and holds my hand, making me stop and Jimin too as I clutch on the sleeve of his jacket.

He turns around, glancing at my hand and then at Jungkook, "Leave her." Jimin says, "She said she needs to go, didn't she?"

"Stay out of it." Jungkook growls, pulling my hand so I'm standing in front of him now, facing him. Now I feel it was a bad idea to call him here. I keep my eyes down as Jungkook takes a step closer to me, his one hand lacing the fingers with mine and the other one cupping my face, "What's wrong? Why do you keep avoiding me, Sara? You go out early, come home late, you really think I haven't noticed all of that?"

"I- I'm not avoiding you." I say, slowly taking a step back from him, which Jimin probably notices and yanks the boy away from me.

"You do not touch her!"


"I told you stay the fuck out of it!" Jungkook yells back, "You've always been like this! Cheater and the same bastard!"


"Guys! Stop it!" I shout at the two throwing hands at each other. Why did I even think it would be okay to have these two in the same place?

I blink my eyes a few times, clearing the tears forming as I pull myself away from the two, "Please stop this, I'm sorry for calling you here Jungkook. And know that I'm not ignoring you, I tried, but I can't live with the guilt of ignoring you, so I agreed to meet you when you asked me."

"Sara, why-"

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't apologise, please. I'll wait for you as long as you want. I love you, Sara. These two years have been so hard without you, and now that I-"

"Are you serious?" Jimin stares at him with loathing eyes, pushing him back as he stands between me and Jungkook, "Do you even hear yourself? She's suffered enough Jeon Jungkook, stop making it worse. If you think she's ignoring then take the message and leave her alone!"

"Jimin, leave it. It's oka-"

"No it's not," He breathes out, looking at me as he turns around, "I've seen you crying enough now. He's been doing the same thing over and over again. tell him how much he hurted you. Show him the hell you saw. He should be aware of every tear you cried, Sara, every phone call to me, everything. Tell him and let him die of guilt, because if you're not, I'll do it. He's hurted you enough."

I feel my breathing getting heavier, my hands clutches on Jimin's jacket, staring up at him with blurry vision, I shake my head. He sighs softly, cupping my face and steps closer, knowing what was happening. I try to speak, but nothing comes out, just my grasp on the fabric of his jacket tightens.

"We're going home, alright?" He rubs my back, "I'm sorry for all this."

"Jimin..." I whimper.

"Yes, I'm here." He assures me kissing my forehead, "I'm not leaving you, sweetheart."

I nod slowly, closing my eyes as my head feels dizzy. My clasp on his jacket loosens gradually and all I hear was him calling my name again and again.


A/N- Sorry for not updating for so long, I've been so busy and I'm not even at home. So I rarely get any time to write. I'm sorry to keep y'all waiting.

I hope you're enjoying the story so far, please vote if you do 💜 Take care

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