Chapter 11 || Wonders

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P a r k S a r a P O V .

"That's all for today. Be prepared for your lab tests next week." Mr Kim says the last time before taking his books and leaves the class, making me sigh deeply. I close my eyes and rest my head against my book on the desk, groaning a little.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asks, chuckling at my dramatic response as he puts his phone aside and rubs my back, "Let's go, we don't have more classes today, do we?"

"No," I sigh, "But I'm tired. Is that man not in his senses?! Like who in the world takes a seven hours long lecture?! I'm about to die, my back hurts, my head hurts and my whole body hurts because of that Kim Namjoon!"

"That is disrespectful." Jimin shakes his head.

"Says who," I scoff, getting up from my seat and stretch my back, groaning a little.

"I wanted to hear that, now let's go." He looks at me.

"Hear what?"

"You," He whispers, "moaning."

"I wasn't even- Man! You're sick in the head!"

"Yeah, sure." He rolls his eyes, taking my hand and drags me outside the class.

We exit the building and Jimin brings his new motorcycle from the parking, stopping in front of me. sit behind him, adjusting my skirt, and tap on his waist as a gesture for him to drive.

His hair flies back in the air as even Jimin is not putting on his helmet today. I shift closer to his back, wrapping my arms around his waist and rest my head against the fabric of his jacket, "You smell different." I say when we stops at a signal, earning a confused look from him.

"What do you mean?" He asks, sniffing on his clothes and shakes his head.

"Idiot," I grin, "Did you use my shampoo?"

"Ah, that, I had to wash my hair with something, and you didn't have anything else at your place."

I gasp, staring at him, "Who told you take a shower at my place?"

"Maybe if you weren't so horny at night, I wouldn't have to do that." He smirks.

"You didn't want to leave." I defend myself.

"Because you suggested Netflix and Chill. Now I wouldn't miss the chance." I laugh at his answer as he rubs his neck, winking at me.

"Hey! Move ahead! You can flirt later!" a guy from behind yells, which is when I notice the signal has turned green. Jimin glares at the guy from the rear view mirror, while I pat his shoulder telling him to ignore.

"You have a hot a girl though!" The dude says again and Jimin turns back with his jaw clenching this time.

I sigh deeply and look back, "And you don't! Go make a tinder profile dude!" I yell back, making Jimin laugh as he drives ahead, leaving the person behind.

"That was awesome!" He says, turning his head a little so I can hear him over the loud wind.

"I know right?" I grin proudly, "You should worship me already."

"Mm-hmm," He nods, "Is that how much you love me going down on you?"

"That's it! I'm out!" I smack his back and he laughs again, stopping in front of the building. I get off the bike first and hit his head. He's wilding a lot lately.

"Oh just get back here."

"I don't have time for your nonsense." I say but he ignores and takes my hand, patting at the space in front of him, making me sigh as I sit facing him. "What now?"

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