Chapter 05 || Emergency

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J e o n   J u n g k o o k   P O V .

A sigh works out my lips as I sit empty handed, staring at my phone that is quiet now after giving me a reason to scream and throw it away right now in the middle of the night. It's weird how these electronic devices have the capability to make your day or even ruin your day. Well it's technically people, but phone becomes the medium.

I stand up as too much thinking is not of any use and grab a bag from the cupboard. I glance at my closet, filled with clothes, t-shirts, hoodies, rows of jeans, slacks and joggers, everything stacked in a presentable manner. It's Sara who creates a mess, not me.

Breathing deeply, I start putting the ones my hands find first. With every cloth that I reach a step closer to be done packing, my heart upgrades it's beating pace and in ten more minutes I'm sure it will exceed the normal human heart rate. The thought of leaving Sara here alone to visit Busan is not the best for me, or even for Sara.

She doesn't know how to live without me.

As I zip my bag up, my phone rings again, sending a wave of chills along my body, seeing my mother's name flashing on the screen. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath before answering, "Hello," I say.

"I've arranged your tickets. Your dad will talk to you later, I'm leaving already okay?"


"It'll be fine Jungkook, and why are you even thinking about it so much? You didn't want to study medicine anyway. So you should be happy you're coming back. There's no reason for you to stay there now, and if you'll stay here with us at least our company wouldn't face any loss."

"Are you serious?" I massage my temples, "You're asking me to come overnight, what about my friends here? What am I gonna tell them? That my mom suddenly decided to leave my dad because he's facing a crisis? You're not in your senses!"

"Watch your tone when you're talking to me." She scolds and I scoff, "You're coming back that's all. Your dad can't keep up his job is not my fault. Thank god I have my own work, or else you wouldn't be having this lavish life either. And about your friends, you can have more here."

"Just because you can replace people doesn't mean everyone is like you." I grit.

"I know that girl, Jungkook. For god's stop being crazy after her. Your family should matter more!"

"Don't you dare mention her again. She is family, and she means to me more."

"I don't wanna hear anything. Just come back, your brother needs you."

"What?" I frown, "What do you mean? I swear if you're using him for this, Mrs Jeon, I wouldn't be the son you've seen so far!"

"He wants you here. Pack your bags, I've mailed you the tickets." She says and goes quiet for a moment as a shuffling noise takes over until a small, hushed voice speaks, "Jungkook hyungie..."

"J-Jeonghun, hey champ." I smile softly, sighing in relief as it's the first time I talked to him in the last few months, "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay," he says, "Mom said you're coming home, is that true hyungie? I've told all my friends about you, but you know they don't belive me... I said I have a big brother but they tell me to show you to them. I'm so happy you're coming back! They all will see my hyungie!"

I blink a few times, dropping a tear as Sara's face flashes before my eyes, and then my brother's. Sara doesn't have anyone here, and Jeonghun doesn't have anyone in Busan. Dad used to look after him since mom never had time. Our dad was the one who raised me too, not our mom. Now that they got divorced and mom has his custody, I doubt he would ever see dad again unless he fights her in the court all over again for Jeonghun.

"I'm coming..." I hear my own voice, surprised that it still exists.

"Yayy! Thank you hyungie! I'll wait for you!"

"Yeah, give the phone to mom." I say. He hums in response and I wait to hear her voice. She sighs at the line, and I gulp thickly, "I'll come, not because of you, but because my brother needs someone beside him."

"Whatever suits you," She hums, "I'll see you here. Bye, take care."

She hangs up and I stare at the screen, opening my contact list in which the second number after my mom is Sara's. It's almost two now, she must be sleeping. I decide to ring as I might not be able to talk to her if I miss this chance, for she would be having classes tomorrow and I will probably be busy dealing with stuff at home.

I sigh deeply, not trying again when she doesn't answer, instead I type a message,

Hey, you didn't answer so I assume you must be sleeping. Actually I wanted to tell you that I need to go to Busan really urgently, mom called me. Yk how she is right? I'll explain everything later when we call, I'm sorry for leaving you like this. Bye, take care of yourself, and don't let stupid guys come near you, especially that Park Jimin. love you <3

I keep my phone aside after hitting the send button and lay on my bed, staring at the blank ceiling. I don't know how she'll react, I just hope she takes it well. It's gonna be hard for sure, for both of us since we've been so close ever since we met and spent almost all of our time together. She never wanted to go home if it meant leaving me, which also got her a lot of bad arguments from her family, especially her dad who always thaught she's secretly dating me to prove to him that she has the control of her life.

Pushing all kinds of thoughts away, I sit straight again, suddenly remembering I need to check the ticket mom sent. I open the mail, seeing a few notifications, most of which are useless. The one from my mom has an image of a ticket of a flight, that doesn't make me as confused as I am on realizing it's not for Busan but the States.

My fingers press the home button hastily, going to call mom again with an uneasy feeling arising from the pit of my gut, "Mom," I speak as soon as she answers, "What is all this? Why's there a ticket for LA? You wanted me to come home right?"

"I never said Busan did I?"

I let out a shaky breath, grabbing my hair in frustration as I stare at the phone, "You are crazy! I'm not gonna leave everything behind and go LA with you!"

"What are you gonna tell Jeonghun? You promised him that you're coming. At least stick to your words Jungkook, I didn't raise you to break promises."

"Shut up! You made it like this! You used my dad, now you're using me and my brother, your own son! At least think of that child... he's just five for fuck's sake!"

"Mind your language when you speak to me." She sighs, "Get ready, you should leave in an hour or you'll miss the flight. Me and Jeonghun will come to pick you up from the airport. Oh and, now that you've mentioned it, you're not going back to Seoul anytime soon."

"I hate you... " I bite my lip, throwing my phone away as I fall back on the bed, tears rolling down my face. I groan loudly, pushing the alarm clock and a few things that laid on the nightstand, making them fall on the floor.

I breath heavily, wiping my tears harshly as I look for my phone again, turning it on. My thumb trembles, stopping over Sara's name in my contact list. However I never manage press on the name, scared of what she might say or what if she cries on hearing me crying? So, I decide not to call her again, instead just check the time as mom's message buzzes my phone.

Don't even think you can miss the flight Jungkook. You said you'd come for your brother, then do it for him. He's waiting.


A/N- Updated because I can't seem to keep to y'all waiting :') Enjoyyyy!

Also, how long have you been an Army? I've been one for two and half years approx.

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