chapter 10: Sociopath, psychopath they're all the same

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A Gemini siphoner who proclaimed himself a sociopath when he killed half his family fifteen years ago in cold blood after an entire childhood of abuse and mistreatment from his family for being abomination.


a powerful coven of witches from Portland who are known for their weird and horrifying way of picking a leader from a set of twins. Once the twins turn twenty two they must basically try and kill the other and the strongest one lives, gets the other's powers and becomes leader. And due to this weird rituals the coven tend to have these witches called Siphoners


Witches born without the ability to generate their own magic but do possess a rare power that allows them to siphon magic from other sources and use that magic for their own purposes. They are considered abominations by many witches especially the Gemini coven. What makes them even more special is that when they become vampire's they still keep their ability to control practice magic.

Ellanora Gilbert wasn't a huge fan of Kai parker. She obviously found him cute and he is very funny and his back story was aad but that's it.

Freeing kai was on her list but she wasn't keen on doing so until the Mikaelsons arrived, in fact she was willing to pospone freeing him for as long as she could.

The problem with kai is that his too unpredictable, Klaus , Nora haad zome idea on how he reacts. Elijah, she knows his soft spot. Katherine, she has a pattern that she goes by that sometimes it's easy to predict. Heck even Silas was easy to manipulate but KAI....that was a different story.

She wasn't sure what to do with him , i mean as soon as she releases him , he could easily just kill the whole town and she wasn't gonna take those chances without back up so she had decided to wait for the mikaelsons.

Let's not forger the guy showed zero redeemable qualities whatsoever And not to mention she was trying to be om Jo, liv and Luke's good books and gain them as Allies.

But she wanted to free him for her own benefit and obvious amusement.

" Hello I'm kai" speak of the siphoner devil. Kai had been watching the strange person for the past 20 minutes and she barely noticed starring into space. She is so pretty and all kai wanted to do was hug her.

" Hello Kai...I'm Nora" She introduced with her nickname just like he did. Nora realizes that kai was looking at her stramgely but she stayed quiet.

" how did you get here Nora?" Kai asked, he held her hand and immediately recognized the feeling that radiated from his skin, the familiar Spark that ran through his veins...He was siphoning magic from Nora.

" you a witch?" Kai asked with curiosity and amusement. Nora was definitely afraid of the siphoner now that he is aware she is a witch. She nodded trying to let go of him but he held onto her tighter.

He didn't know what was happening the pretty girl looked scared and all he wanted to do was make sure she's not afraid. He wanter to make her smile for some weird reason he didn't understand.

" don't be scared" He wispered into her ear while still holding onto her. Something in Nora's heart wanted to burst with excitement. She listened and calmed down but she was still on guard though.

" Let me take you somewhere..." kai didn't wait for a reply and dragged her to the salvatore boarding house. She hasn't been here since she was small when her , Vicki and Tyler snuck in and stole some journals that she obviously kept for herself.

" Do you like it?" Kai felt this weird feeling , he felt uneasy, he was somehow second guessing taking the pretty brunette to the house it was a weied feeling.

" Yes kai..." kai immediately smiled when she spoke. She's only spoken like once since she's arrived here that he was feeling...feeling he's not sure what he was feeling but he knew he didn't like that she wasn't speaking to him.

" Nora how did you get here?" And there it was , the familiar feeling of magic as it took Nora back home once again leaving kai alone and sad.

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