Fate Foretold

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I replayed Alastor's words over and over in my head for the remainder of the day. As several ladies helped me prepare for bed, I stared at my reflection lost in thought. How in all of the nine circles did Alastor know I didn't want to marry King Henry?

It was a long time before I could fall asleep. When I finally did, I fell into a fitful dream.

I was standing on a scaffold in front of a crowd of courtiers. In front of me was a blood-stained block. Somewhere in the crowd, I could hear King Henry's booming voice saying, "I find you guilty of never loving me in the first place."

Then I could feel several hands pressing down on me, forcing me to lay my neck across the block. It felt cold and sticky, and I closed my eyes so I didn't have to look. 

I woke up just as the ax fell. Looking around wildly, I clutched my throat with both hands. There was no ax. No crowd. No blood-stained block or King Henry. It was just a dream. 

"I can't marry him," I said out loud to the empty room. I had to find a way out of this marriage or my dream would become my fate. 

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