Tudor Rose

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For the masque, I had chosen a dark green gown with red and white roses made of silk. King Henry had requested that I go as a Tudor rose and like everyone else at court, I could not say no. Dressed in the gown, I watched as a maid placed red and white roses in my hair before tying a small mask over my face. It was a simple piece of green fabric that matched my gown. No use in trying to conceal my identity. Everyone knew who the poor unfortunate next wife was. 

Escorted by several of the other ladies in waiting, I made my way down to the great hall, where music was filtering throughout. As we got closer, courtiers watched me pass by before whispering amongst each other. I kept my eyes facing forward as if I couldn't see them. 

"Ah, there is my beautiful Tudor Rose!" 

King Henry was dressed as a grotesque parody of a knight. Holding out his arm to me, he said, "You are a shining example of what a queen should be."

"Thank you, your majesty," I replied, allowing him to lead me into the great hall and up to the dais where the thrones sat. Taking a seat next to the King's great bulk, I watched as courtiers followed the music in precise intricate steps. 

"Your majesty," Alastor stepped out of the crowd, bowing before King Henry. He was dressed in all black, with a cape like a night sky. Glancing in my direction, he asked in that smooth tone of his, "May I partner your lovely rose in a dance?"

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