The First Part

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That night, I wore the necklace to dinner. I knew by this time the ladies that had been present has spread the news all over the court. Even the servants in the kitchens and kennels knew about Alastor's gift.

The King had sat me in the seat next to him where the Queen would normally sit. This was what he normally did with his next wife, almost as if he was proclaiming to all nine circles that we were now his. However, the ruby necklace changed that.

I made sure the necklace was the centerpiece of my ensemble. It seemed to glow in the candlelight against the high collared black gown, ensuring that it would catch King Henry's attention. And sure enough, it did.

"And where did you get such a beautiful necklace?" The King asked as he waved over a page with a dish heaped with stuffed goose. 

"It was a guest from our guest, your Majesty," I replied as calmly as I could, keeping my hands in my lap so he wouldn't see them shaking. King Henry watched me as a wolf would watch a rabbit, a dangerous situation in this court. 

I could tell everyone was watching us to see what would happen next. The King looked from my necklace to my face before saying, "I hadn't realized how close you had become with Alastor."

 I kept my face a perfectly calm mask. I knew a threat when I heard one, no matter how veiled. Staring ahead, I kept my face calm and pretended I didn't recognize the threat. I could have answered, but seeing how the King's face screwed into a spoiled rage, I decided to stay silent. 

The first step in our plan was a success. 

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