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"That is treason!" King Henry roared, taking one thundering step towards Alastor. The Radio Demon's grin seemed to change from amused to predatory as the King moved closer. The entire mood in the room shifted, and from my spot on the dais, I could see courtiers moving to the far corners of the room or disappearing altogether. 

"No, my dear delusional King," Alastor's voice was a deadly purr as the air around him began to distort and crackle, "This is karma."

With that, the shadows began to swarm towards them, moving around Alastor and the King. While they only seemed to lap at the Radio Demon's ankles, they latched on to the enraged monarch. Sputtering curses, King Henry stumbled back, his great bulk holding him back as he tried to escape. 

Within a few moments,  the shadows had completely covered his massive form. The only way we could tell it was still a man was the ear-piercing bellows from within as the King frantically tried to pull them off. We all watched in horror as the shadows seemed to dissolve him, the great bulk shrinking until the screams stopped and there was nothing more than a few wisps left on the ground. 

Alastor's eyes turned to me and he held out his hand. In a softer, more reassuring voice, he said, "Come, my dear. I believe you have had enough of this for one evening."

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