Gambling With A Soul

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"Our little plan seems to be starting off quite nicely." Alastor mused, his Cheshire grin stretching across his face. We were taking a very public stroll around one of the more popular palace gardens, making sure everyone could see us together.

"The necklace was a wonderful touch," I replied, giving him my most dazzling smile in return as a group of courtier's wives passed us. They gave us an appraising look before dissolving into hushed whispers. 

Alastor chuckled, obviously taking pride in the necklace, "A mere trinket. But it did the trick. Tell me, how is the king's attitude towards you?"

The smile slipped from my face. Right now, King Henry would do one of two things. Either he would tire of the chase, unused to competing with another man, and leave me alone. Or, he would marry me, bed me, then dispose of me and move on to wife 145. 

"I'm not sure," I replied, the beautiful day suddenly feeling drab. We were playing with more than just a king's emotions. We were playing with my very life. 

Alastor thought for a moment before answering, "I may have a way to change his mind without putting you in danger. Now, my dear, put a smile on that lovely face of yours. We have a play to perform."

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