Starting the Scandal

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Alastor's kiss sparked something to life inside me. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled him closer to me. I wanted to feel the length of him pressed against my body, but even then he didn't feel close enough.

His kisses trailed from my lips and down my neck. Meanwhile, his hands roamed over my curves, exploring my body and setting my soul on fire. Picking me up, he set me on the low wall separating one flower bed from another.

I had taken a few lovers while in King Henry's court, but they had been exterminated sometime between wives 83 and 102. They had either been framed as a Queen's lover or a traitor in some form or other. It was after the last one I had sworn off lovers altogether.

But despite all that, none of my previous beaus could compare to what Alastor was making me feel in this moment. My eyes closed and my head tipped back as he trailed light nips and kisses down my neck that would surely leave marks in the morning. 

A quiet gasp from behind us startled me. My eyes flew back open and my head whipped around to see a ladies' maid watching us, mouth agape. I froze in terror, but Alastor chuckled as though he was highly amused, "This works out beautifully."

Author's Note

I apologize for not updating for so long. Between my day job and my side work writing for clients, it has been a very busy week with nearly no time to myself. However, I have a schedule back on track and will resume updating every other day. Thank you all so much for your support. I couldn't do this without you!


Avia Rein

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