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Sure enough, our escapade in the garden was the talk of the court by dinner the next day. Sitting next to the King while course after course was served, I could tell he was in a foul temper. He kept shoving spoonful after spoonful of food into his mouth, only giving me glaring side-eye glances occasionally. 

It seemed he was still determined to marry me in a few days' time. So that was it then, he planned on marrying me so he could have me for a few nights, then do away with me in favor of some seemingly untouched lady. This was Hell, expecting to find a virtuous lady was like finding a needle in a haystack filled with vipers. 

When the plates were finally cleared away and the tables were moved back for dancing, I sat next to the King and watched as couples took their places. The musicians struck up a tune and the dancing began. 

After a few songs, I saw Alastor moving through the crowd towards the dais. Like before, he bowed to the King and asked if he may partner me in a dance. But instead of laughing and playing the jolly host, King Henry turned red with rage, his voice booming, "How dare you take such assumptions with my bride-to-be?!"

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