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Hermione's POV

I woke up well rested and refreshed today. I slid out of Draco's arms and decided to get ready first. His entire right arm was on my body and so I had to push my way out of that.

When I was almost out of his bear hug, he pulled me right back back down and said,"Where do think you're going?"

His voice was deeper and huskier as he had just woken up. "We're going shopping today,Dray. Come on, get up", I replied with the biggest smile on my face.
I loved shopping.

He groans and I jokingly mimic his groan. Then this boy had the audacity to say,"You're lucky the walls are sound proof,'Mione. My mum would've thought we were doing something inappropriate."

"Just get out of bed,Dray." "I'm really not in the mood for shopping today, baby.",he said with the cutest pupoy dog eyes.

I laughed and replied,"Fine,Narcissa and I will go on our own. Don't be surprised if there's nothing for you on Christmas day. Besides, this will be the perfect opportunity to get those baby pictures from your mum that you try so dearly to hide."

He visibly blanched. I laughed at his face and with that I proceeded to our en-suite bathroom and hopped into the shower.

I start off with washing my hair with my rose scented shampoo and conditioner.

The water was warm and so I knew I was going to be here for a while;probably ten minutes.

As I rinsed my shampoo out of my hair with water, I heard the usually closed bathroom door creak softly.

Soon after, I felt two strong arms wrap themselves around my naked self.

I jumped in surprise. "It's just me.", he whispered softly into my ear. "You scared me.", I said in return. It was then that I realised that he was also naked.

"What do you think you're doing?", I asked him as he began to lightly nibble and kiss me on my neck. "Taking a shower", he replied. I felt him smile.

"Whilst I'm here?" "Yes. That's the whole point.", he said for finally pulling my lips into a heated kiss.

I'm not going to go into details but all I'll say is that a ten minute shower took way longer than it should have.

We eventualky made it downstairs for a quick breakfast with Narcissa. After which we all apparated to Diagon Alley.

(In Diagon Alley)
We all went our separate ways so we could shop for Christmas presents.

We decided to meet at the Leaky Cauldron at lunch time to eat then separate again if we hadn't finished our shopping.

I went over to Madam Malkins' bought a new velvet silk dress for Narcissa and a pair of diamond studded earrings for Ginny at the jeweller next door to Madam Malkins.

For Harry,Theo and Blaise I got a new broomstick care kit each and a pair of mughle shoes called Nike Air force 1s which were not as expensive when bought from wizarding retailers than in the muggle shops.

I bought all the girls matching turquoise diamond prism heart pendant necklaces and a simple, basic MAC make up set.

After getting everyone else's gifts, I decided to stop by the emporium to get a few things for Crookshanks and then I remembered.

I hadn't gotten Draco's present yet. I decided to make his present myself at home. I felt he would appreciate the effort and understand how much I care for him through what I had in mind.

I went to a craft outside of Diagon Alley in the muggle part of Central London and bought some art tools and materials and a album.

I shrunk the stuff and hid them in my coat pocket so that no one ,especially Draco, would see them.

I then returned to the Leaky Cauldron with all my presents and shopping neatly wrapped in their shopping bags and shrunk into my pocket.

Narcissa arrived first. She was laden with bags and soon after she had settled Draco followed.

His arms were completely empty. I looked at him in surprise because that meant he hadn't bought anything. "What?"he asked with a smirk. Knowing very well why I was looking at him weirdly.

"Nothing.",I answered. "Don't worry babe.", he said with a smirk. "I didn't forget to buy gifts, they will just come later."

We then had a hearty lunch and returned home.

Hey everyone!
I'm  so excited to have finally finished with finals and start updating again.
I missed this.
By the way, my update days are still going to be Sundays.
As always,
Don't  forget to:
Comment and
Stay beautiful.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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