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Hermione's POV

Herry entered with a tray of bacon,eggs, toast, tea and baked beans.

"Thanks,mate.", Draco said in a impersonation of Ron.

We all laughed and began to chat as Draco wolfed down the food Harry brought him.

"Oh my God, I just remebered. Ron's waiting for me at the Quidditch pitch. I better get going.", Harry said.

Just then the devil himself walked in storming.

He looked at all of them with menacing and went straight up to the boys dorms.

"I guess his Polyjuice potion ran out.", I said.

"So we are going to report him,right?", Ginny asked. "No need. Let's hold it over his head for a while.", I replied.

"Your inner Slytherin is showing,babe.", Draco said. "I'm dating one of them aren't I?",I countered.

Ron's POV

(Whilst Harry was on his way to the kitchens to get food for Draco)

I grab my Comet Three Seventy from the broomshed, get out the quaffle and begins to play keep-ups with myself.

I throw the ball up and as I fly upwards to catch it, I'm distracted by a loud screech from the Forbidden foreat.

I lose focus and began to fall. As I do, I try to regain my balance but the Polyjuice is wearing off .

It's a searing, boiling pain I feel as I fall to the ground and gradually become taller, lankier, less muscular and my head begins to narrow .

When I fall, I writher on the ground as the potion finally finishes wearing off. It was more painful than I remember.

I look up. Harry didn't even bother to show up. I bet he's still snoggong Ginny somewhere.

After about ten minuts, I'm convinced that Harry has simply ditched for my sister.

I decide to get back to the common room but the sight I face when I get up there makes me regret coming up. It makes me become infuriated, disappointed and feel something I've began to feel more and more these days, fear.

I just brush past them and walk up to the boy's dorm trying to not show how hurt I am.

Doesn't Hermione see that Draco is no better than the scum uderneath her feet? Why does she love him when she can have me? All that good for nothing Slytherin will bring her is heartbreak and humiliation.

I throw myself onto my four poster bed and begin to box one of my pillows. Taking out all my anger on it till it finally bursts.

Feathers fly all over my area of the dorm.

After I calm down, I clear everything and use a spell to mend my pillow.

I lay on my bed and think random thoughts till sleep finally envelopes me.

Hermione's POV

Well that was certainly anticlimactic. I thought the boys would cross words and eventually wands with each other.

Draco and I decide to head back to our dorms to unwind. This morning alone was enought of an adventure for both of us.

As we entered , Draco led me to his room saying,"Stay with me?"

"Always.", I replied

I know the chapter is soo short but trust me
it just seemed right to end it there.
(Especially with all the drama coming up🤫)
If you're enjoying the story, don't  forget to
And follow me.
(Those who know know that I follow every single one of you back)
Stay beautiful.


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