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Hermione's POV
After placing our stuff in the Heads dorm, Draco holds my wrist as I exit the room and says,"Bae, I want us to go public tonight ."

Shocked I squeak, "Why? We're doing great as it is." "But I don't want to hide is anymore, like we're ashamed of who we are.", he countered with a cute smile on his face. I sigh and reply, " Fine, let's do it." "Are you sure?",he asks with uncertainty clear in his voice. "Yes, I am.",I say sure of my decision.

He doesn't say a word but just scoops me up into his arms in a warm hug. He then kisses my forehead and says, "So we'll walk in hand in hand and sit at the Slytherin table. Don't worry about Oansy she's with Theo now. What do you say?".

I think about his proposal and say, " Okay, but we'll sit at the Gryffindor table instead." As soon as those words leave my mouth he groaned as he didn't want to do that.

I lean in to him and wrap my arms around his neck under his collar and kiss him. I linger there and say pleasingly, " Please Dray." "Honestly, you'll be the death of me.",he groans. We then leave the dorm to go to the Great Hall.

We walk in together with our hands intertwined and sot st the far end of the Gryffindor table away from my friends.
I see Harry and Rom gaping at us. I trim to look at Ginny, Parvati and Lavender but they're just grinning like idiots.

I smile at them and begin to it and begin to eat. As I do, I realized that Draco's fondling my hand and eating with the other. I smile at him.

After dinner, Mc Gonagall announces that Dravo and I are the Heads this year. This is greeted with a round of applause. She dismisses us then Draco and I head for our dorm.

When we get there, I take a book , "Jane Eyre", and begin to read. Dravo Cole's behind me and begins to sing into my ear. He's singing "Sorry" by Justin Bieber which is strange because it's a muggle song.

I turn around to look at him and then he kisses me unawares with force and wanting. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. His arms are fixed only on my face.

Then in between kisses I asked, " How do you know that song?". He begins to strike my neck and replies, " I love muggle music but I couldn't show it because of my father but I can now."

We continue french kissing until we heard someone cry, "You've got to be ficking kidding me." We turn around to see a red-faced Ron. He looks like a fresh well-fertilized red tomato.

"Well it's your fault that you didn't knock." Draco says with a scowl. "So that's why you did that at dinner." Ron said sadly. "What? You thought that it was a prank or something?"

"Maybe"Ron muttered. "Well, Weaselbee, I suggest you leave immediately. "Draco said coldly. "Or else what?", Ron challenged.

Draco replied, "Or I will take 50 points from Gryffindor and give you deyentionfor a month and despite how it will hurt my girlfriend, I'll make you clean the trophy room without magic."

"She's not your girlfriend.",Ron countered. "Apparently I am, Ron. And if I were you, I would be on my way right now" I said pleasingly. I didn't want the two boys to fight.

Ron huffed and walked out but midway turned and said, "I thought I knew you, but it turns out that you're just a mid blood who thinks the world revolves around her and thinks she's the-"

"I think 50 points will be sufficient.", Draco interrupted coldly. Ron glared and finally walked out.

"Finally! So where were we?",he said suggestively. "Don't know about you but I was about to head in for the night as we have a long day tomorrow. Good Night.", I said and packed him on the lips and he held my waist and whispered into my ear, "Fine but you aren't getting off so easily next time."

"We'll see." I said as I traisped to my room.

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