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Hermione's POV

Draco began to stir. "Her-hermione?Ginny? Harry? Where am I? What happened?",Draco asked drowsily.

"You're in the Gryffindor common room, babe. Harry and Ginny brought you here because they found you lying in a cupboard, drugged,"I answered tentatively not wanting to worry him.

"Drugged?", he asked me still feeling slightly groggy amd drowsy. "Yes, with a Draught of Living Death", Ginny added.

"Oh ok. Wait a minute, the Draught's anti potion takes months to brew. Did you have one handy or something?", he asked a bit more alert.

Harry replied,"It was Hermione. She knew a fairy undoing spell and it was just by luck that it actually worked." "Do you remember anything at all.", I asked Draco softly as I began to stroke his platinum blonde fringe.

He sat up sharply and put his head in his hands as he tried hard to remember. I placed my hand on his back to show him that I was there for him to sitting beside him om the table.

"I remember hearing Preves making noise on the Transfiguration classroom. You know, the one opposite the painting of the drunk monks?" We all nodded.

Neville had long since stopped reading and was watching all that was happening with curious eyes. Draco continued,"Then I remember walking and seeing nobody and then everything goes blank."

He exhaled as he ended. "Do you remember seeing anyone else.""No, not really. Wait, I do", he said. We all looked up at him anticipating.

I think I saw a tuft of red hair and brown eyes and freck- Ron! I saw Ron. He drugged me!", Dray finished.

"Dray, are you sure? Maybe it was someone else?", I asked.

I knew Ronald didn't like me dating Draco but that didn't mean that he'll want to send him into a drug-induced death. He was too nice to do that.

But if he did...no, he couldn't have. That's too low even for him.

"Dray, I'm asking again. Are you sure he did this to you?" "I'm pretty sure 'Mione.", Draco said as he draped his arms around me.

"But how are you so sure. Ron doesn't hate you enough to want you dead! ", I countered.

I couldn't see why Ron would go that far especially as he knew that I was done with him.

"Hermione, we didn't tell you how we knew Draco was drugged.", Harry said visibly uncomfortable. "Well, how?", I asked him and Gin.

Gin replied saying everything from how Ron addressed Harry as "mate" while pretending to be Draco, to how they found Draco using the Marauders' Map all the way to how Ron was waiting for Harry down on the Quidditch pitch for a one on one game still pretending to be Draco.

"Wow. I really underestimated the little tweak", Draco said. "So did I", I agreed.

"So what do we do now?", Ginny asked. "I know you want to confront Ron and all but I'm really hungry. I didn't get to eat breakfast.", Draco said.

"Uh sure, I'll head down to the kitchens and get you something," Harry said.

Neville went along with him saying he wanted a crpet and a bit of bacon himself.

"Hermione, are you alright?", Draco asked me concerned because I was really quiet.

I was quiet because I couldn't believe that I didn't realise that Ron was impersonating my boyfriend. I thought I was very observant and yet I didn't realise that my boyfriend wasn't himself, literally. I told Draco exactly that.

"Mione don't beat yourself up over this. It was Polyjuice Potion for crying out loud. No one was going to realise.",he countered. "Harry did", I answered him lowering my head.

"And he only knew because Ron slipped up, it's nothing. Babe, look at me", he turned my face up to face him with his fingers, "I love you and I know you love me so it doesn't matter."

"You don't understand", I countered. "What if they couldn't find you? What if the spell didn't work? What if you didn't wak-"

Draco stopped my rant by pressing his lips to mine in a chaste kiss. I kissed him back.

"Don't worry about it.", he said firmly staring deep into my eyes.

I simply nodded and he kissed me on my forehead.

"You guys, I got Draco his breakfast"

Hi guys!
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