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Third Person's POV
That didn't go as Ron expected. he had a few minutes prior taken Polyjuoce Potion and wad posing as Draco. The real Draco, he had stuffed into a broom cupboard drugged. He wondered where Hermione had run off to. Oh well.

"Hey Drake, you up for a little game of Quidditch later on", Harry said addressing him. "Hm, sure why not mate."

Harry gave him a funny look and announced to the table that he and Ginny will meet them at the entrance in an hour.

Harry's POV
I pull Ginny out of the Great Hall. "Harry, what's wrong?", she asks wearily. "I don't think Draco is himself. I think someone is using Polyjuice."

"What! Why would you think that?", Gin asked appalled. "He called me mate. He's called me Scarhead, Potterhead and even Gryffindor Prince once but never mate. The only one who calls me that is-"

"Ron!",we both exclaimed together. "But would he really do that?", Gin asked me in a lowered tone. "I don't know. He's drastically changed. I barely know him anymore."

"Well, there's only one way to find out. Let's look for Draco. If he's with the others then he's not Ron in Polyjuice form but just in a very wierd mood.", Ginny said.

I brought out the Marauders' Map from my jean jacket pocket and we pored over it looking for the silver-eyed Slytherin's name.

"There", I said alerting Ginny. "In the cupboard next to the painting of the drunk monks." "Well let's go then."

We raced upstairs to the cupboard. I opened it to reveal Draco. He looked as if he had been given a Draught of Living Death or something stronger.

Ginny and I dragged him out and tried to wake him up but nothing seemed to work. I then told Ginny to go and call Jermione; surely she'll know what to do, whilst I took Draco to the Gryffindor common room.

Hermione's POV
I woke up from my nap in the ROR and decided to go down to the Gryffindor common room. I hadn't been there since the term started. I enter and see no one but Neville there reading a Herbology book

"Hi, Neville." "Hey, Hermione." "How have you been? We don't see a lot of you around here anymore.", Neville continued.

"I've just been reallly busy with prefect duties, school work, extra reading, you know the usual stuff." , I answered. "Have you seen Ron around", I asked him. "No, I haven't seen him since he left for breakfast.", Neville answered. As he did, Harry and Ginny burst into the common room with someone in their arms.

Ginny's POV

"Hermione, there you are. It's Draco. We found him drugged and put inside a cupboard. Weve tried everything but he's not waking up,"I said to the worried girl.

Harry placed Draco OK n the big common room table as we said so. hermione and Neville joined us beside him.

"Why, didn't you send him to Madam Pomfrey?", Neville asked us. "We just thought of Hermione. Besides she's almost as good as Madam Pomfrey,"Harry answered. "Hermione, what should we do," I asked.

"Everyone move away from him. I said MOVE AWAY!", Hermione said shouting the last part frantically.

Hermione's POV

Ok. Calm down. You're the smaryest witch of your age. You can do this. Wait, what if the fairy undoing spell will help.

But I've never done it before. Should I attempt it? What if it makes everything worse? Okay, I can do this. I will try the spell.

I take the bit of parchment and I look round at my friends.

"Hermione, what's this?", Ginny asked. "It's a fairy undoing spell. I learnt it from a fairy spell book." "Do you think it'll work?", Harry asked me apprehensively.

"We'll never know unless we try.", I answered them calmly.

I asked Harry to hold the parchment for me and then I recited off the parchment the words of the spell and we waited.

I don't think I've ever left one before...
Seems fun😂
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This chapter is dedicated to Midnight_Sayonara and zmswift.
They are two of the nicest people I know on this platform so go follow them too.
Stay beautiful.


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