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Hermione's POV

Exams came and went and now it was the holidays.

I had decided to go home with Draco. I couldn't wait to meet his mother;well properly this time.

Draco was still asleep as I had woken up pretty early. I decided to pack for both of us because I was simply bored.

I Accio'd all our clothes and belongings into our suitcases and bags and trunks. I then used my wand to open the blinds on order to wake up Draco.

"Wakey, wakey, Drakey,Drakey", I cooed.

He groaned and said,"Drakey? Don't ever call me that again." "Why not Drakey?",I asked slyly.

He groaned and finally got his ass out of bed. "We've got to get ready and get to the carriages,Drake.", I said as he slumped out of the room.

"On it", he called from the bathroom. We finished dressing up and went to breakfast in the Great Hall with our friends.

After breakfast, all of us piled into the carriages for the ride to the Hogsmeade station. At the station,the group dispersed.

Majority of them went to get a compartment for us and those who were prefects like Draco and I helped the teachers organise the first years and other students in the lower years who were gping home for the holidays.

As the train was ready to leave the station, Draco and I met up with our friends in the compartment they had gotten.

The trip passed by fairly quickly. Probably because we all slept along the way.

"So Hermione you're going to spend Christmad with Draco at the manor?", Pansy asked me as we all feasted on treats from the trolley.

Harry, Ginny, Lavender and Luna were all going to the Burrow whilst Pansy, Blaise and Theo were going to the Greengrass' house for a good bit of the holidays and where to spend the latter part of it on Blaise's yatch.

"Yes she is.", Draco said answering on my behalf. He put him arm around me and gavee a peck on the cheek. I smiled back at him.

"Brace yourselves, love birds, we're arriving at the platform.", Lavender said feom beside the window.

We all gathered our stuff and got down from the train.

Draco took me by the hand and together, we got onto the platform and begun to look for Draco's mum.

"There she is.", I said to Draco as I saw Mrs. Malfoy having a conversation with Daphne and Astoria's father Mr. Greengrass.

Draco's POV

"Ma!" My mum turned around and began to walk over to were I was standing with Hermione.

"Draco,dear, how are you?", my mum asked whilst giving me a hug.

"I'm fine,mum. You two have already met but I'd like to reintroduce you to Hermione Granger, my girlfriend." I intertwined my fingers with hers as I said so.

My mum didn't look shocked when I said 'Mione was my girlfriend.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Malfoy.", she said in her sweet voice. "Oh please,dear. Call me Narcissa."

As Hermione stretched out her hand for my mum to shake, my mum pulled her in for a hug. I was so happy that my mum and my girlfriend were getting along so well.

We all headed into mom's Mercedes Benz. It was quite old but my mum loved it.

Our chauffeur, Franz, helped us load our bags in and aftering ushering us into the car, drove to the Malfoy Manor.

Om the way mum got cosy with Hermione and before I knew it, Hermione got my mum laughing along with her.

My mum looked happier than she had in a while. Living in the Manor all year round with no one but our house elf and Franz to talk to had its effect on her.

No wonder she was very much welcome to my girlfriend's antics. Since she was getting close to Hermione, I was thinking of convincing Hermione to help me persuade my mum to sell the Manor and move into a smaller house or even an aprtmemt in Central London.

The Manor had too many memories,both good and bad. If we moved, it would signify leaving the past behind and preparing for the future.

It would signify a new age of happiness and joy for us and Lord knows my mum needed and rightfully deserved copious amounts of both.

I hit 200 followers yesterday!
I'm extremely glad and grateful for everyone who follows me and reads my books.
As usual another chapter is up and I hope you love it.
This chapter is dedicated to Savannah_Rose101.
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