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Hermione's POV

Over chocolate gateaux amd ice cream, we discussed varioys topics and after we devoured as much as we can, we all said our goodnights.

Draco took me by the hand and led me upstairs. "I'll leave yoy to shower.", he said.

"Where are you going,Dray?",I asked. "I'm going for a walk around the garden . It's a coming-back-home tradition."

"Well why didn't you say so? I wouldn't want to miss out on that. Come on let's go."
"You really want to come?",he asked with surprise laced in his tone.

"Ofcourse,I do."

We then walked out of our room and out of the manor.

We walked through the beautiful garden hand in hand.

The season of winter did nothing to decrease the beauty of this place. The big strong palm trees,neem trees, great oaks and pine trees were all surrounded by white snow.

All the trees were bare and their weaker branches swayed in the winter wind.

The wind was pleasant today,not too strong and not too chilly. The lake we passed by in the harden,yes, they had a lake, hadn't been completely frozen and the snow was only a few millimetres deep.

We walked all the way to the fountain ,which Draco told me, was in the middle of the garden.

When he revealed this to me, I was shocked.

Assuming the garden was a circle, we'd only walked a radius to the centre and I was already out of breath.

He ofcourse wasn't, having made this walk countless times before.

He sat on the ledge of the fountain and signalled me to sit by him.

"So what do you think of my mum so far,babe.", he asked as he reached over to me and held my left hand.

"I think she's wonderful. It's refreshing to see her in this new light. Without Voldemort or your father or her sister holding her back or conforming her to what they want.", I replied with a smile.

"I feel the exact same way. That's why I need your help with something.", he continued. "What is it.", I asked curious.

"Do you think you could convince my mum by the time we return to Hogwarts to move out of th manor and/or sell it. That place holds to many memories and I think my mum deserves the privilege to move on and forget about all that went on and start afresh.

Maybe use the money to buy a little house or an apartment in Central London or something. " "That's a great idea,Draco.", I said excitedly.

"She must seem lonely being alone in such a big house with only two other people. I think I can try. Who knows? It just may work and we might find ourselves decorating a mordern apartment for her this summer.", I ended with a laugh.

"Awesome. Just continue charming with your input in whatever you females talk about,"he said laughing along.

We talked for awhile and then decided to head in for the night. We were going Chriatmas shopping tomorrow and we needed to rest up for the day
of shopping and walking.

Another chapter done!
I already said it in the last chapter that the next few chapters were  going to be fillers so I'm  sorry for that.
As usual don't  forget to
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