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Hermione's POV

As we neared the manor, I become silent. That place held too many, none of them good. Not only for me but all three of us sitting in the back of Nrcissa's old Mercedes.

When we arrived, I became slightly nauseous but didn't show it . As I began to unload my trunk frok the boot, Narcissa stopped me saying, "Don't worry dear, Franz will take them in." "Oh ok.", I replied.

Draco moved closer to me and then squeezed me to his side. He knew I was feeling uncomfortable.

He and Narcissa led me into the place.

Last time I was here I was in danger and all so I didn't have the time or mind to look around.

But now I did and honestly, it was beautiful; a bit too big but beautiful none the less.

Glamorous chandeliers and stained glass windows glimmered in the late afternoon sunlight.

"Draco,show Hermione around. I'll be preparing dinner with Loriah in the kitchen."

"Sure,mum.", Draco replied from beside me. "Come on, let me show you the upstairs."

As we went up, Draco pointed out the various rooms on the 1st and Groud floor and laughed at me when I squealed after he showed me the library.

It was filled with numerous books and albeit seemed even bigger than the one back in Hogwarts.

He showed me his room where all our luggage had already been placed. As I settled, a question came to mind,"Dray, whose Loriah?" "She's our house elf", he answered.

After seeing my displeased look he said,"Hermione, we treat her well. She's like a daughter to my mum. She has off days and is paid well." I smiled at him and kissed him saying, "You're really diffwre6nt aren't you?"

"Only for you.",he replied with a smirk with a deep short kiss. I smiled and pulled away.

"Hermione", he groaned in annoyance. "Your mum can hear us.", I said with wide eyes. "No,she can't. All the rooms are sound proof.", he said with a smirk.

"Still.", I said pushing him further back. "Dinner will be ready soon and we still aren't done packing." "Fine.", he said with an exasperated sigh.

"At least, I know you wouldn't be pushing me away tonight"he muttered under his breath. "What did you say?",I asked.

"Nothing.", he said probably knowing that if he repeated himself it will cause me to do just that.

We finished settling and we went downstairs to check if dinner was ready.

When we got there,a little house elf wearing the cutest dress ever came up to us and said, "Draco, Ms. Granger, dinner is being served. Please sit down"

I bent down so we'd be the same height and said,"Thank you, Loriah. But call me Hermione." "Yes,Ms.Hermione.",she said with an adorable smile on her face.

I smiled back at her and joined Narcissa at the dining table where she had already placed the food.

As we sat down together to the right of Narcissa who was sitting at the head of the table, the delicious aroma of the food engulfed me.

"The food smells delicious,Narcissa." "Thanks,dear. Loriah helped." Draco did the honours and opened up our dinner of roasted chicken pieces with steamed rice and gravy on the side. There was also garlic bread, greek salad and a huge jug of pumpkin juice.

As we ate, there was good conversation all around. Draco and I told Narcissa all about our first term.

We spoke in detail about the whole Ron fiasco and the other events that make up a typical term at Hogwarts such as the Quidditch games, the parties, the visits to Hogsmeade and of course all the assignments we got.

Missing out on our seventh year due to the Wizarding war really changed how the teaching at Hogwarts was conducted.

The end of term tests could sometimes be used to move students up a couple of years and as a result of this, Luna was now in our year.

After eating, we all helped clear all the empty plates and crockery to the kitchen and waited for Loriah to bring out the desert, chocolate gateaux I believe.

Another chapter done.
Don't  know how I feel about this one.
The next three or four chapters will  probably be fillers but they are  going to prepare you for the drama that comes with the second term at Hogwarts.
Who knows maybe some new characters maybe added...
No promises!
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