Chapter 4: ''Maybe this Hennessy will solve our problems.''

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A/N: I'm so happy about this fanfic. I had to say it because it means a lot to me, really, and here you have a long chapter. Have a nice week! xx

''Can I take the patient of the room 296 outside today, Sir? I mean, I want to take Mr. Cassells to the garden.'' I asked to the director of the clinic.

''Sure, but, are you the nurse who's taking care of him? I do not think it's a good idea.'' He raised his eyebrows lightly, checking James' medical record.

''I am, Doctor.'' I looked into his eyes. ''He's doing a good job, he's getting better and I think that the therapy would be fine outside today.''

''Wel... If there is anything wrong, call without any doubt, right?''

''Of course I will. Thank you so much, Doctor.'' I whispered feeling the happiness inside me growing.

I went outside of the room, but a familiar voice called me. It was Daniel.

''Alice, wait!'' He called me, taking my arm.

''What do you want, Daniel?'' I mumbled with my left eyebrow raised.

''How's James?'' He asked.

''How you dare to ask? How the fuck, Daniel? You... Get out.'' I mumbled trying not to lose my temper. I couldn't believe that he was asking me about James after what he did to him.

I walked towards James' room to take him outside like I said to him. ''James, we can go outside because the doctors let me take you. Let's go.'' I said whilst I opened the door. A weak smile appeared on his pale face when he stood up from his bed.

''How are you today?'' He asked me shyly, walking through the corridor.

''I'm fine, I guess.'' I sighed opening the door to go to the garden. ''What about you? You look so pale, James.''

''You guess? What happened?'' He asked again, but this time with a worried look. We both sat on the grass under a tree. ''I'm better than the last month, but nothing new.'' James answered.

''Nothing, just... Some stuff.'' I said simply, taking a piece of paper with a pen. ''We're going to do some therapy today, right?''

''Right, let's do it.''

''At first, I'm going to give you this piece of paper and a pen, so you're going to write about everything you feel; your fears, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, what do you want. And next, while you're writing, I'm going to do the same thing as you, then we're going to read each other papers.'' He nodded and I gave him everything, so we started to work together.

After twenty minutes, he stopped. ''This is difficult... I don't even know what to write anymore.'' He chuckled, so I took the piece of paper and I gave him mine.

''That's fine, James. You wrote a lot, I thought you wouldn't want to do this.'' I giggled stroking his hand. My whole world broke apart when I started to read James' paper.

''I don't even know how to start with this, but I guess I'm going to try because I don't want Alice to get mad with me.

I'm scared, but that's nothing new. This time, I'm scared because I don't want to lose her again.

She's one of the most fucking beautiful girls I've ever seen, she's such a fucking masterpiece and... I know things are difficult, I know what happened between us and fuck, I think that the other day I fucked up everything. She was right and I was pissed off with everything, with everyone.

I feel like I can so this not just for me, for her because, have you seen this girl? One day, I'll ask her to marry me, one day, just wait.

All these months probably were the worst of our lives, but the good part of them are that now I know I love her more than anything in this world. Even know we just spent three years together, I can say right now that I want her to be the mother of my children. Yes, I'm saying I want children and I didn't like them before this.

I can't stop thinking about the idea of her leaving me, of her coming back to Germany and meeting other boy... I just can't deal with it.

I love her.''

I started to cry like a baby because I didn't know he was thinking that about me, about us and that was so important. ''How?'' I mumbled hugging the letter.

''I did what you told me, Alice... If I knew you'd get like this, I wouldn't have done this.'' He laughed a little, wiping away the tears of my face.

''You told me you didn't want to have children, that you didn't want to marry, you told me that... And you want this, but with me.'' I sobbed.

''Yes, and probably one day I'll ask you to marry me, and we'll have a lot of children running through our house... And a wolf if you want.''

''I fucking love you, right? I really fucking love you, James Arthur Cassells.'' I finally said, hugging him.

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