Chapter 6: ''After all this time, I'm coming home to you.''

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A/N: Here I aaaaaaaaaaaam, and I have to tell that this chapter was longer, but I decided to separate it and then I'll update with the other part! I love you all and I hope you like this new chapter! x

There are some wounds that cut us so deep that they can even stop us from our fate. Stop us from growing up, from seeing the truth of our lives, from letting go someone else.

Some of them are supposed to heal, but they do only on the surface, not on the inside.

The past is the past, so move on.

''C'mon dude, ask her whatever you want to ask because we want to know!'' A half drunk Cameron screamed when everyone was in silence. I chuckled looking at James again.

''Why are you? Oh God, I'm not going to lie, we're such a fucking bunch of gossips.'' Hannah said while she stood up and sat between Cameron and Sam.

''Let the fucking kid speak!'' Danny finally spoke. They all sat around us in a circle. Yes, like it was kindergarten and we were the teachers... Or something like that.

''Fiiiirst, I'm not a kid, I'm taller than all of you!'' James tried to say with a serious tone, but then he smirked and started laughing.''Second, thank you, because I've been trying to talk for ten fucking minutes.'' He sighed and chuckled.

''Oh my God, stop drinking.'' Hannah mumbled and laughed.

I was there just gazing at the scene with a grin on my face. It, of course, was anything but serious.

''Can I speak now?'' James asked and everyone nodded. ''Thank you.'' He paused.

My face turned a little bit paler and my stomach was like tied in knots, I could barely talk or simply think.

''So, I've been thinking for a long time and I think, well, I believe that this is the best way to do this.'' He paused again and took a sip of his beer. ''I know Alice too well and she knows me a lot too... Probably I've made mistakes. A lot, and I don't want to lose you again, I don't want to stay a day without you by my side.'' He said and looked into my eyes. I blushed. ''I don't really know if I'm doing it right or not. I don't even have the ring that all the girls want, but... Will you marry me?'' He finally asked and kneeled down over his left knee. Then he showed me a little purple box and opened it. It had the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen before.

Everyone was speechless. Even myself, because I was drowning in my own tears. I heard Hannah sobbing on Sam's shoulder and Danny had his face paler than ever.

It took me like five minutes to process everything that was happening around me, but when I finally saw the improvised ring, which was made of a cloth piece, I smiled and nodded.

''I...'' I sighed and felt all eyes on me. ''What the hell, of course I will.'' I giggled and he put the ''ring''. The ring was something special for us because we didn't want an expensive thing. Not just for our future, but we were fine with simply and cute things like that.

''OUR KID IS GETTING MARRIED.'' Cam exclaimed as I kissed James with the happiness running through my veins.

''She accepted.'' I heard James say to his sister after we separated, which was crying too. They hugged for a while and I did the same with Cam, Ben, Sam and Danny, who wasn't that pale.

After an hour, James took my hand as we all sat again on the couch. I rested my head on his right shoulder, listening to his heartbeats. To be honest, I couldn't be happier.

''We're going back home, dude.'' A sleepy Ben yawned. ''We're glad to see you again, we hope to see you soon with the band, huh?'' He said to James and hugged each other.

When everyone left our house, I went to the bedroom to change my clothes and take off my makeup, which was a completely mess because of the tears.

''Did you like the surprise?'' I asked James and sat on our bed when I finished to clean my face.

''It was... Like the old times. But the good ones, y'know?'' He sighed with a smile. He sat me on his lap. ''Thank you, really.''

''Why thank you.'' I laughed and stroked his naked chest. ''When you proposed to me, I thought that you were breaking up with me.'' I giggled, covering my face with my hands.

''Why? Well, I thought that you were going to say ''no'' to me.''James whispered and looked at me with tired eyes.

''And you thought wrong about it.'' I smiled lightly. ''You tired?''I kissed his forehead, taking a piece of his hair away from his face.

''I... I don't feel good.'' He just said.

''Hey, hey, James come back.'' I took his face with my hands.''James, fuck, look at me, I'm here.''

''Alice, I...'' And he closed his eyes.

''James, babe, what the hell is wrong.'' I asked anxiously. ''JAMES, WAKE UP, FUCK.'' I exclaimed feeling the tears running down my cheeks.

I called an ambulance holding James with my arms, but he could barely breath and I was more nervous and speechless.

''Ben? It's me, Alice.'' I sobbed when Ben answered my call.

''Hey, what's up?'' He sounded tired and sleepy.

''It's James.'' I cried again.

''Woah, what's wrong? Just calm down, plea-''

''It's like he's not breathing.''

''What? Wait, I'm coming to your house, wait there and call a fucking ambulance. NOW.'' He ordered and hung up the phone.

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