Chapter 15 & epilogue: ''Hold on forever, 'cause that's our final dedication.''

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A/N: Hey everyone. This is the final chapter of this fanfic and I really want to cry because it means a lot to me. I started to write this one day I was with a friend drinking a cup of coffee when we were supposed to be studying. I'd like to thank everyone who read this, who voted, who commented or who supported me, and also thanks to all the bands, people who inspired me. Honestly, I don't want this to end because right now, this is the best fanfic I've ever written and I don't know, there are so much feelings right here. I tried my best with the end and the epilogue because you all deserved a happy ending and I think this is the best way to do it. Thank YOU so much for being there, it really helped me when I was down, when I wanted to give up, so here you have this ''final episode'' and now, let's change the channel, guys. 

Again, with all my love, thank you so fucking much, I love you all. x


The life, the destiny, the death, the love and the birth. We're a mix of all of them, but sometimes we focus our lives in one more than the others. It forces us to grow up with the happiness and the sadness, the joy and the sorrow inside our chests, even sometimes we can have a hopeless feeling or emptiness.

When you're born, you're searching for your dreams, trying to chase them like you're mad and the day you have them, you feel weird, you end enjoying the moment, because you're realizing you've got what you've been fighting for and it's yours.

One day you'll wake up and you'll see that you're happy again.

''HELP ME PLEASE.'' I cried out until someone shook my arms several times.

''Alice, it's just a nightmare.'' He whispered kissing my head, then he hugged me. ''What happened?''

''It was so awkward because at first we were together, then I lost you several times and at the end I was dying.'' I sobbed on his chest. ''And this has helped me to realize again that I need you and I love you so much that it hurts.''

''First, breath with me.'' He said and I repeated what he did. I closed my eyes slowly, but I heard someone cry.

''Stay here, I'm coming.'' He said kissing my forehead. ''Hey, look who's here.''

''He's hungry, can you bring me the feeding bottle?'' I asked after whiping away the tears of my eyes, then he put our son in my arms. ''What's wrong, my little angel?'' I whispered touching the tip of his little nose. ''Look, here comes daddy.'' I grinned and started to feed him with the feeding bottle.

''Denis is so beautiful.'' He sighed and looked at our son stunned. I chuckled and bit my lower lip as I took the bottle away from Denis. ''Have you thought why do you have that kind of nightmares, darling?''

''I think being so long away from you is the reason why.'' I shrugged and pouted when Denis pulled my hair down with his tiny hands. ''Dear, you're like your father.'' I giggled.

''Hey! I'm still here!'' He said and I laughed more.

''James, Denis is like you when you were a child, don't lie to me.'' I said giggling and he got closer to me.

''I don't know, I think he looks a lot like you.'' James shrugged.

''You know what?'' I whispered looking at James.

''Tell me.'' He mumbled, taking Denis onto his lap.

''I've dreamt I helped you because you were doing therapy.'' I said. ''That you asked me to be your wife and you didn't remember a thing about us because you almost die.''

''Okay, your nightmares are so funny.'' He rolled his eyes and I punched his arm lightly.

''I dated Ben, which was divorcing from Samantha and then we both died in a car accident because Ben got jealous of you.'' I nodded my head and James looked at me.

''Luckily it was only a nightmare.'' He added and I laughed.

''I love you.'' I grinned and kissed his lips softly.

''So I do too.'' James kissed me again and then kissed Denis' head. ''And I love this little droomer.''

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, stroking James' back with the tips of my fingers. ''I'm glad to be your wife, James.''

''Please, and why not?'' He raised his eyebrows laughing.

''We need a therapy, my dear.'' I laughed, resting my head on his shoulder.

''I don't think so.'' He whispered looking into my eyes.

''Why?'' I asked.

''Because,'' He said putting his left arm around my waist. ''I've got you, Denis and the band, that's why I don't need a therapy.''

''Aw.'' I pouted and kissed him again.

I was happily married with the man of my life since five years ago, I had a beautiful son who was only two months old and I couldn't be happier.

I remember the day I met James. We had common friends and they did a party. We also had a fight because we both got so, so drunk, but it was James fault because he was taller than me, he took the last bottle of vodka and hid it where I couldn't take it.

When the guys started the band is where we got more closer because Sam was a good friend of mine and I went to watch them always to the practices and the concerts.

The time passed away so fast and James asked me out after a concert and the party to stay alone and talk the things between us because we both were so shy to talk about our feelings being sober.

And years later, after meeting his family and he meeting mine, he proposed to me at the backstage of a concert. And yes, everyone was watching and I was crying a river.

The wedding was the most perfect thing ever. When I saw James I started to cry and I couldn't stop because he was crying too, which made us laugh a lot.

Sometimes I had those nightmares when I was away from everyone, especially when James was away from me because of the tours I couldn't go to.

And then came the day I knew I was pregnant of Denis. I had a lot of morning sickness, but I didn't tell James. I told Hannah and Samantha because I needed help and I needed to tell it to someone.

So, they were supporting me and trying to let me know everything was going to be okay, but I was scared of James' reaction.

And I was wrong, because he started to cry like a child when he knew we were going to be parents, and when we knew it was a boy, he bought a pair of drumsticks, which made me laugh a little and also cry.

Except the day Denis was born. It was the worst and the best day of my life. The worst because it was so much pain and it felt like my dear son was ripping my entire body off, without forget the fact in which James started to doubt about what pair of jeans he should wear to the hospital when I broke waters and I was almost crying.

The best day of my life too because when I heard Denis cry and I saw his face the first time, I knew I was more than complete in my life.

The truth was that Ben, Sam, Cameron and Danny were almost everyday visiting us to see how was little Denis, also they bought him a little vest with the band logo on the back.

And there we were, a rainy night with our son in our arms and with a nightmare which made me think about what I had in my life, and why I loved to live like that.

James was my friend, my husband, the father of my child and the most important thing: he was the love of my life.

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