Chapter 10: ''I can help you through this, but you have to take my hand.''

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 A/N: Hey! I'm back (YAAAAAASSSSSS) and you're all gonna hate me because I deserve it, you're going to understand why I say this after you'll read the next chapters. I've finished to write this fanfiction, but there are five more chapters and they're long as fuck, so... I hope you'll enjoy the chapter and thank you all for the support!! xx

What if the person you were meant to be with could never or didn't want to be yours?

The confusion bring us into a mental state in which we are blocked and we can't do or think anything clearly. Even we don't see ourselves clearly as most of the time we do, or at least we try to.

''What did we do, Ben?'' I questioned without expecting an answer, just to calm the situation even know it was impossible. ''What did we do?''

''We did what we wanted and what we felt, perhaps it wasn't that bad.'' He mumbled, looking away from me.

''I've cheated on who's supposed to be my future husband.'' I panicked again. Ben took my face between his hands and tried to calm me.

''Can you stop blaming yourself, Alice?'' He said with anger. ''Maybe this is right because maybe James did another things when you weren't there with him.''

''What are you talking about, Ben?'' I asked confused.

''I'm talking about the thing that James cheated on you when you were travelling.''

''What?'' I asked with tears in my eyes. ''With who?''

''With a girl he met that night, he was so high.'' He sighed and lit a cigarette. ''We didn't wanted to tell you about this because we thought he spoke with you.''

''This is fucking amazing.'' I sniffed and he hugged me. I rested my head on his chest while I was sobbing. ''I'm alone, Ben, I don't have anyone here.''

''Alice, I don't have Samantha too and I know I'm not alone.'' He mumbled. ''You have me here.''

''Ben, don't lie to me, please, I'm not that idiot to know I've got someone.'' I said.

''Okay, do you want to know what I thought the first time I saw you?'' He asked and I shrugged.

''See, I thought you were a stupid because you stole my bottle of gin.'' I chuckled and he grinned. ''I thought you were the perfect girl for me, but James was faster and asked you first. It was like a battle between us for you.''

''Ben, are you listening to yourself?'' I raised my eyebrows and whiped away the tears from my face.

''Yes, but then I met Samantha and I've spent part of the best years of my life with her.'' He nodded his head. ''I gave up what I felt for you, to be honest, but now, I think we could run away from here.''

''Ben, I don't know...'' I mumbled without believe a world. ''Think about the band, about the guys and about yourself, please, I don't want you to do a foolish thing.''

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