Chapter 13: ''A cemetery where I marry the sea.''

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A/N: Hey everyone! First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who read, comment, vote and also ask me about the story. Thank you all so much, really. So, like I said yesterday, I wanted to give you all a ''surprise'', so that's why today I'm updating. This chapter will be so important because the story is almost finished and the next one will be so damn sick. (I guess you'll want to kill me, I'm sure.) Anyways! Thank you again for reading my Denis Shaforostov One Shot! xx


''What are you talking about, Cameron?'' I heard Ben shout from the balcony. I sighed and finished to pack our suitcases, we had to leave because our vacation was over and we had to come back, but I didn't know where.

''And where the fuck is Danny? He should be there and if he doesn't appears, we won't be able to continue the tour.'' I ran to stop Ben of throwing his phone. I took his arm and he looked at me when I entered again.

''Wait there and I'll see you tomorrow morning, right?'' I looked at Ben when he hung up the phone. I sat on our bed when I checked everything.

''What's wrong?'' I asked quietly.

''What's wrong?'' He asked with anger. I looked down and sighed. ''Tomorrow I have to meet the band because we're back on tour in two days and they knew about it like a week ago.''

''Ben, calm down, please.'' I mumbled. ''It's your job, you have to go.''

''No, Alice, I'm not gonna calm down because we were supposed to travel to England and now we can't.'' He shouted.

''Perhaps I can go with you if you want.'' I suggested. ''To make you feel better and less angry.''

''That would be interesting.'' He rolled his eyes and I got up. ''James is going to be there, obviously.''

''Why do you distrust me?'' I raised my eyebrows. ''And don't tell me that you don't because your face is showing it to me.''

''I don't even know what the fuck I'm saying.'' He whispered and looked away. I took our suitcases and opened the door.

''I'll be waiting downstairs.'' I sighed again and went to the hall. ''And make up your mind.''

Our flight was completely awkward, to be honest. Ben didn't want to talk and I wasn't in the mood too. His cheeks were red because of the anger he had about the tour, his nails were bitten and his legs were moving. Well, definitely he was anxious.

''Are you going to calm or what?'' I asked when we were driving to Ben's apartment. He didn't say anything and I rolled my eyes. ''You're acting like a fucking child and it's not my fault.'' I whispered.

I waited for him to open the door and again, he wasn't talking to me. I left everything inside the room and went downstairs again. ''Ben, I'm leaving you alone to calm yourself, see you in a couple of hours.'' I shouted and closed the door.

We arrived almost two hours ago and we didn't talk to each other because Ben's anger. It was going to be so funny, of course.

I was walking down the street, barely aware of where I was going or what I was going to do. After a few minutes walking, I ended up sitting on a bench near a cemetery where no one went for a walk. I sighed looking at the sky, which was mixed by the colours.

''Alice?'' I heard someone say. I turned back to see who was calling me and my face turned white.

''James?'' I asked speechless. He sat next to me. ''What are you doing here?'' I mumbled nervous.

''And you?'' He asked back. ''I came here to visit my dog's grave.''

''I'm avoiding my whole life.'' I shrugged and looked at him.

''That's not the Alice I remember.'' He said.

''Have you remembered everything?'' I asked quietly.

''It's been almost three months since what happened.'' James sighed. ''There are things I don't remember well, but I remember most of my life.''

''I guess everyone did a good job.'' I whispered. ''Tomorrow we're on tour again, are you coming?''

''Of course I am, I've wasted a lot of time and I need the concerts.'' He giggled and I grinned.

''Well, I think it's time to come back home.'' I said while I got up. ''See you tomorrow, James.''

''Have you had fun with Ben?'' James asked and I froze. ''And don't try to avoid the things because I know everything.'' He said chuckling.

''James... Don't make this harder than it actually is.'' I murmured. ''We broke up because you didn't want to be with me and I needed time.''

''You know the reason why.'' He replied. ''And it was because of Ben.''

''And you know that one of the reasons was that you cheated on me when I was travelling.'' I shrugged, leaving him there without a word.

I rang the door bell when I arrived Ben's house. I forgot the keys because of the anger and it was almost raining outside. I searched for the keys behind the window because none opened the door. When I finally could enter, I went upstairs because the ground floor was dark. I opened the room of our bedroom slowly, finding a wasted Ben sleeping on the chair.

''Ben, wake up.'' I sighed shaking his arms.

''Hey.'' He mumbled opening his eyes.

''Let's go to bed, c'mon.'' I suggested while I helped him to stand up.

''Where have you been?'' He asked as I undressed him.

''I went for a walk.'' I mumbled avoiding the fact I had a words with James.

''See, I'm sorry.'' He sighed looking at me. I shrugged and covered him with a blanket. ''Alice, say something, please.''

''I'm a little disappointed, Ben.'' I whispered. ''And I'm not going with you.''

''Alice, dear.'' He said and sat. ''Come with me, please.''

''Ben, you distrust me, that's more than enough to know you're going to be jealous the whole damn day.'' I chuckled.

''I promise I won't... I was just mad.''

''I'm going, but you should know better than me that I never gave you a reason to be jealous of.''

''I know... and I'm sorry again.'' He mumbled and I sat next to him.

''It doesn't matter.'' I sighed. ''Goodnight, Ben.''

''Night, Alice.'' I heard Ben whispered sadly. 

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