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"I'm so scared," Ben winces as we stand on the huge ass boat floating in the middle of the sea.

Today, we booked this scuba diving trip, well we meant me and Grayson, but seeing as he's too busy with his dad he couldn't come.

Me and Ben have spent a lot more time together this week, seeing as I've only ever seen Graybear when he comes back from whatever the hell he's been doing with his dad or when he wakes up to leave.

It often consists of me trying to beg him to stay and cuddle for a while, but it always ends up in a 'no I can't be late'. How mean.

But then he makes it up when he comes back, in several different ways.

"Are you sure we have to do this?" Ben asks again, shaking his head at the very clear sea beneath us.

"Yes," I draw out, "I paid for it."

"Correction," He sings, putting one finger up.

"Your boyfriend did after you stole his credit card, that's theft by the way sister."

Rolling my eyes I reply back, "Oh whatever, I texted him and he went 'okay baby', so I think that means he was fine about it."

"Yeah but it was too late anyway! You texted him after you paid for the no-refund trip. And anyway no kisses, hearts or anything?" Ben inquires, raising an eyebrow.

I nod my head, "Oh he did, if he doesn't send me a kiss or a heart then somethings wrong." I laugh and so does my brother.

"It's nice he's seeing his dad again," Ben says, "I wish we could say the same."

I nod, agreeing with him, Charles hasn't made any effort to hang out with us or even talk to us. Ever since Bens speech on the wedding night I think he's avoiding us.

Probably because Ben humiliated him by revealing who he really is to all of his new rich friends.

"His dads weird though," Ben adds, and I raise and eyebrow, questioning him. He sighs, "Well whenever you two hold hands, say you love each other etc, he's always staring at you with a weird expression on his face."

Shock runs through me, "Really?"

Ben nods, staring at the clear ocean beneath the boat, some fish swim past and luckily we haven't seen any sharks yet.

"Yeah," My brother trails out, staring at the ground in a fixed expression, "I don't know, it's just a bit weird."

I laugh, adjusting the wet suit that lays on my body, uncomfortable in all the wrong areas. It may just be that I'm uncomfortable with this conversation and how Gray's dad stares at us when we hang out.

The instructor calls us over and the look that passes over my brothers face, makes me nearly piss myself with laughter.

"Nah, I can't do it," Ben freaks out, massaging a hand over his mouth.

"Look it's clear! If anything comes towards you, at least you'll be able to see it," I attempt.

His eyes flutter close and he takes a deep breath making me laugh again.

"God, Brie you do not help. I can't."

"Someone needs to call like an air ambulance, I'm going to have a heart attack, please. Help me!" Ben shouts, earning looks from the other people around us.

Surprisingly- not- all couples.

Meanwhile me and my brother stand here, while other couples are having smooches. I even saw a pair try and wear the same wetsuit.

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