Cecil hotel

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I'm wearing pic above I'm Noah Marie Blake I'm 20 years old and my boyfriend Colby of two years and his friend Sam invited me to the Cecil hotel for ghost hunting at first I was hesitant but I wanted to be with Colby so I agreed it was me kat sam and Colby in a room with two beds the room Lisa lamb stayed it before she died

Sam and Colby did there intro "what's up guys it's Sam and Colby we have another video planned today, and this time we brought our girlfriends for a night they'll never forget"

Arrived at the hotel filming "this actually looks insanely creepy" Colby says

Colby's pov "bro what is this place holy shit...holy fuck this place actually might legit give me nightmares"

We checked into the room that Lisa lamb stayed it
"Okay so if guys don't know this place used be know as the Cecil hotel where numerous people have died the most famous story though is Lisa lamb she was a Canadian citizen she came to the Cecil hotel and she never checked out they actually found her body in the water tank that the guest had been using for days

What's even creeper is the guests had bee drinking this water without realizing that there was a body inside, guest complained about the black water tasting funny and when the maintenance guy came up to the roof he found lambs body floating inside"

Sam says "so who's ready for this" "I'm not"

Fast forward we kept hearing noises and people screaming we were walking around the hotel I felt someone touch me "did you tap me" Austin asked me "no" "someone literally just tapped me and I turned cause I thought it was you" she said to me "no I didn't you good, are you okay?" I asked rubbing her back She walked out of the room I looked at the camera then at Sam "what's wrong" "I think it just like freaked her out I don't think she was expecting it" I said "do you wanna stop I mean this is good content" "yeah I mean I don't really care about the reviews right now I love our fans but she's like my girl, let me go talk to her" I walked out and went to find her

"Babe are you okay" I asked "I don't know it just like freaking me out, like I just wanna sit down somewhere or like idk" "okay let's sit here" I sat down and pulled her onto my lap "just breathe, your okay I got you" I rubbed her back and let her calm down

"Do you wanna continue the video or no" "I mean this is your video, you guys do this every day, so" "I'm gonna let anything happen to you and like I know we do this for our fans but your more important to me then the views the content like I love you, so if you don't feel comfortable we can leave" she stood up "no let's do it" we walked back to the room she was holding me

Sam turned the camera back on "what's up guys we're back and we're gonna continue with a little seance Sam set up the camera and we all sat in a circle

Austin was cuddling into me "if there's anything here with us can you give a sign let us know your here with us" sam asked there was a knock we talked with something we did the no's canceling headphones sam had them "if there's somethin"

"Yes" sam says
"Are we talking to Lisa lamb"
"Yes"  sam says
"Can you give us a sign that your here"
"Blood"  sam says
"Blood?" I asked "blood, Austin blood"

Back to me
"Blood Austin blood" sam says loudly
I felt wet down below oh no my face was pale white "I'm bleeding" I told him he raised an eyebrow

"Colby I'm bleeding" "what where, oh shit" he got sams attention and we like "what" it was like dripping blood after I said that " babe" colby stood up "we gotta go" everyone ran out of the room with the stuff colby was carrying me

Sam turned the camera off and Sam and kat got our bags and Colby carried me down the stairs and we dipped out of there super fast the bleeding was normal not like before

he was confused "um it's not supposed to be here yet, what the fuck" he was concerned "that's weird right?"

Back at Colby and sams house I changed my clothes and put a pad on my underwear and then went outside to Colby's room I crawled into his bed and started crying colby comes in and jumps into bed "baby are you okay" "no"

Back to Colby Austin was really freaked out about that she crawled on top of me I rubbed her back "are you okay babe" he asked "no"
"At least you arent Cushing blood anymore like that was weird" 

I cuddled her until she fell asleep

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