Zoey brooks

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You/me detective Zoey brooks
boyfriend: jay Halstead
Other Detectives: Kim burgess, Erin Lindsay, Antonio dawson, Adam ruztek, Alvin olinskey Kevin altwate,

hank voight: our boss

"Hey Z we got a case we got to go" we got our gear and went down to the truck and went to the location jay calls me Z

We investigated the scene and gathered all of our information we needed at the scene we sent the body's to the morgue to be identified
We went back to the bullpen and We started looking for a suspect who might of had something to do with this incident

... I took a break to use the restroom because my stomach was hurting and I felt a familiar wetness feeling in my pants so I headed to the bathroom praying it was a false alarm

Great it now looked like a crime scene in my pants i stuffed toilet paper in my underwear and stood up flushed pulled my pants up and washed my hands hands walked out heading down the stairs

I went get a coffee from Dunkin and a change of clothes I texted voight telling him the situation


I walked back in the station with new pants on and my Dunkin coffee pretending like nothing happened I headed upstairs and sat down at my desk jay gave me a weird look "no coffee for me?" He questioned "sorry" 

My phone buzzed I glanced down
"Why did you change your pants?" Burgess said in our female group chat "I got my period" "damn"

Jays pov
"Why'd brooks change?" Ruztek asked In our dudes only group chat   "ask her" "don't ask women why they change their pants lmao" "why not" "because you'll get your ass beat, and brooks, jay will kick your ass bro" 

"Do you have to be such a child Adam, focus on solving the case"
We got one person and someone else was killed the same way so they had multiple people working with the other person we were looking for him and information about him

"Z everything okay? I think something was going on with My girlfriend "yeah I'm fine" she responded she was definitely lying but I let it go

we solved the case and we're doing our paperwork
"Mollys y'all"  after we were done

"I'm down" I chimed in "yeah sounds good" everyone chimed in "no I'm going home" Z looked over at me "you're allowed to go" "you're giving me permission?" "You're letting him off the leash" "sorry you can go without me if you want to go is what I meant"

6 pm Zoeys p.o.v
Jay was at mollys with everyone he dropped me off back at the apartment and now I was showered changed into (pic above #1) and was now laying in bed cramping by that time  it was 8 Jay arrived back home and showered got ready for bed and walked out in his underwear "babe can you get me ibuprofen?"  "yes" 

He walked out of the bedroom, came back only seconds later with water and the pills I sat up and swallowed them with the water, set the cup down next to me then laid back down I had my hand on my belly "everything okay babe"  he crawled into bed with me " I just have cramps"

Back to Jays P.o.v
"I just have camps" "you're on your period?" I questioned she nodded "awe my poor baby" I wrapped my arms around her embracing her I rubbed her belly "is that why you had to change"  she nodded "awe man" "I could of went home for you" "I know you are more help at the station then I was" "awe love

~next morning~
Back to Zoe
I showered changed my clothes did my hair and then went to eat breakfast I got midol and took four of them jay came out in his outfit for the day "Z you showered without me" "sorry" I went out to the truck without eating breakfast and then jay came down and got in "what's wrong babe" "I don't feel good, I don't have to shower with you if I don't want to" he sighed "I didn't say you had to"

We headed to the station
And got to work

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