Mrs halstead

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"You're with us today future Mrs Halstead" voight said

I'm Austin Blake Chicago police department I was doing papers at my desk because I didn't feel good
I got up and walked upstairs "Blake you're with haldstead" me and Jay Halstead kinda have like a flirty friendship but we've never done anything about it

We got to the car I have a basket of candy in the passenger side on the floor haldstead got in "what did you rob a candy store Blake" "it's called being prepared" "for what diabetes?" He asked

I was in pain I took my vest off "what's your problem" "I'm in pain jack ass" "I was just asking a question dawg don't get so defensive damn, you pissed in your cereal this morning"

We were sent outside an abandoned building
there was gun jay almost got shot I shot the guy in the neck he went down "you good haldstead?" I asked looked over he was on the ground I ran to him "jay come on, jay come on Jay please wake up I need you" I started crying "ahhhhh" he jumped up "you asshole" I playfully pushed him "jay please wake up I need you" he mocked me "stoppppp" I told him

I looked at him and kissed him passionately then pulled away I got a sharp pain in my stomach

"You good Blake" "no"

then stood up and helped him up and we called it in

The rest of the team came in "good work team"
went in the car jay was driving "take me home" I asked "what voight will kill me" "make up an excuse" "I can't"

... at lunch
"hey are we gonna talk about that kiss" he said "no" I was in pain I couldn't eat anything "Blake you gonna eat something" "I can't" I gave him a look he was confused I stood up and walked into the bathroom I threw up in the toilet twice

Jays pov
Blake was still in the bathroom I got up and put money on the table and knocked on the bathroom door then I went in Austin was throwing up I held her hair back after she was done puking she washed her face and I carried her back to the car I took her to my apartment and carried her into the bedroom and laid her down "what's the matter with you?"  She was crying she took her vest and shirt off and put her gun down and laid back down "what tell me what's wrong" "I'm on my period" she said "bro that bad jesus"  "yeah they're always bad" she said I gave her water and ibuprofen


We went back to the station it was just us to left for the day at 7 pm "everyone is gone Blake, come on we have to talk about that kiss" "no" he grabbed me

"You grabbing an officer, Halstead" "you grabbing an officer" he mocked me smirking

"hey why don't we grab dinner tonight my treat" he said "I just wanna go home" I told him "come on you pussy" he said "fine but you're coming to my place" I told him

We got Chinese food and went back to my apartment I changed into (pic above #3) and put my gun and haldstead gun away and then I walked out "damn girl" he took his shirt off and I got cans of pop and we ate our food "come here sexy" he said "you wish" I got closer and stood in between his legs he kissed me on the lips passionately then deepened the kiss he fumbled with my bra I pulled away "we can't" I said "why" he said "because I say no" "okay I was just asking damn"

I got a sharp pan in my stomach and made a face "what's wrong" "I have cramps" I told him "oh that explains a lot" "you knew that and fuck you" "and you know a periods never stopped me before" "that's disgusting" " what we deal with blood for a living" he joked "you're nasty" I told him "you love it" "keep your Dick in your pants haldstead" "hey there's an opening on intelligence that I think you should take it" "I don't know voight has a policy we cannot date on his unit " who you trying to date in intelligence" he asked "this guy, he kinda is like a badass but looks like a puppy" "a puppy seriously a puppy damn Blake"

I kissed him on the lips then pulled away

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