Jay haldstead part 2

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"You feeling better" I asked her "no not really" "Awe man"

10 am next morning Jay explained everything to voight and he said to stay home

I took the blanket off me cuz I felt warm and wet
I was covered in blood and the sheets had a puddle of blood on them then jay woke up I froze he looked up at me then down

Back to jay Pov

"what are you-" I looked down at the sheet's Austin got up and walked into the bathroom and locked it I got out of bed and changed the sheets and just threw the bloody ones away she was crying I knocked on the door "babe open the door" "no" "you really want to play that game I bust down doors for a living" I said then I heard the door unlocked she opened it

Back to me I headed into the bathroom and locked the door I took midol and then toon everything off I put the bloody stuff in the washer and washed them i took out my bloody tampon and then threw it away I inserted the tampon and stood up flushed I got under the warm water and was crying

I washed my whole body then sat in the shower and cried
1 hour later I got out of the shower and dried off dried my hair double braided it I put (pic above #1) then cleaned the bathroom and went outside jay was laying in bed with roses a teddy bear chocolate and snacks and Chinese food he got up

~Back to jay pov~

I walked over to Austin

"You didn't ask me to shower with you" "I just wanted to be alone I'm sorry" "it's okay, okay"

I kissed her forehead I wiped her tears "I'm sorry" she said "for?" I asked "your sheets" she cried awe "first of all they're our sheets and I don't give a fuck about them, is my girl okay" I asked "better" "well I have to go to the gym today, you wanna come?" I asked her she nodded

We worked out for like 2 hours then went home and ate our Chinese food then I went to work I got called in

11 pm
Back to me

I cleaned the house and did laundry showered (pic above #2) took all the garbage out then Jay came home and put his gun awards

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