True or Dare

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Austin Marie Gomez well Elizabeth im Selena Gomez's little sister she's 25 I'm 21 I'm friends with Colby Brock Sam goldbach, Corey schear, Katrina Stuart jakeqebbers Kevin Tara yummy

My best friend and crush is Colby but anyways we're we're all in Colby's apartment playing a game

Austin truth or dare" "truth" I said "If you got to have a threesome with people in this room, who would you do it with and why?" "Sam and Colby" "damn no hesitation why" "because I spend the most time with them, and Colby i mean look at him"

I was sitting on Colby lap because that was the dare

My stomach had been hurting for a while and I felt wet but didn't notice until a gush of something warm and wet came out like Niagara Falls I knew exactly what it was and I was wearing white sweatpants I texted kat

Me: I just started my period on Colby's lap
Kat: oh my god
Me: how do I get up with out anyone knowing
Kat:I don't know let me think

"Are you okay" colby asked "no please don't be mad" "mad why would I be mad" "I started my period" I whispered "like now like on my lap?" He asked I nodded "shit"

I stood up and Colby and Sam got behind me and walked me to my apartment then Sam went back to game night colby and I went into my apartment I went to my closet and got Colby's sweatpants and my leggings and underwear and Colby's boxers then I handed them to him I went to my bathroom and uh

oh can this day get any worse I walked out of the sbathroom in my underwear and ran up the stairs colby was laughing in the background I went to my bathroom upstairs and found a pad I changed my underwear and put leggings on and a different shirt (pic above #1) Colby's shirt and then walked downstairs to Colby "why were you laughing at me" "cuz you're ass is cute even with blood on it" he said

I playfully slapped him "you wanna go back to game night it is at your apartment" I asked him "yeah, but wait are you okay" "besides bleeding on my best friend I'm great" I said "hey it's okay I still like you" he laughed we went back to Colby's apartment

Next morning I was out of tampons and I didn't wanna go to the store Colby was downstairs in my apartment editing his video on my laptop I texted him I was wearing (pic above #2)

Me: can you go get me tampons
Babes: yeah sure be back in 15

Colby's pov
I went to Walmart and got a box of tampons and some candy then went back to Austin's apartment I took her stuff and laptop upstairs handed her the stuff and sat down on her bed with my feet up she went to restroom

Back to me
I went to the bathroom and changed my pad into a tampon and put a pad on with it then flushed the toilet pulled my pants up and washed my hands and walked out to Colby I crawled into my bed and moved the laptop and crawled on top of Colby "what's wrong" I don't feel good" he started rubbing my stomach "I'm sorry" he kissed my forehead it hurt so bad the tears came down my face I looked up at him he wiped my eyes "awe baby don't cry"

"Are you wearing my boxers" he raised an eyebrow at me "yea" "bro if you want me that much just ask" he said "whatever" I cuddled him tighter he rubbed my stomach until I fell asleep

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