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I'm 21 I'm a model I'm 5'8 and I live in Las Vegas with my YouTuber boyfriend Colby Brock his best friend Sam Golbach and sams girlfriend Kat

I'm about to start my period and I'm pmsing, I'm breaking out my boobs grew and they itch and are sore, I'm annoyed and sad colby was being annoying because he wanted leave and go to the bar with Sam and me but I didn't wanna go

"Colby just go it's fine go without me" I was sad "are you sure?" "I don't want you to go but it's okay" I started crying "baby why are you crying" he asked "I don't know"

He was getting ready "i love you?" "Love you too" I said rudely "are you mad at me?" "No" you could hear the sarcasm "babe, you're the one who fucking told me, I could go if you don't want me to go just say that"

He said "I don't fucking care just leave" I snapped "gladly" he slammed the door behind him


I woke up at 2 am from the worst cramps ever and my shorts were wet I went to the closet and got my period underwear and leggings and I went to the bathroom and cleaned up went pee put a pad in my underwear wiped stood up pulled my underwear and pants up flushed washed my hands and walked out I put the sheets and my clothes in the washer and then went upstairs and then slept in one of our guest rooms except I couldnt sleep so I went downstairs and made tea

Colby was sleeping on the couch then he came into the kitchen in just his boxers "is that tea? He asked I nodded "can't sleep" he asked "no" i said "I'm sorry for fighting with you"

11 am I was still in bed and normally I get up at 8 Colby came in to check on me
(I'm wearing pic above #1)
Colby's pov "is everything okay" "super" she said "oh what's wrong" "nothing" I sat up

.... Colby took a nap with me then I got up and got in the warm shower to relieve my bad cramps I got out and dried off dried my hair I put on new clothes (pic above #2) then I went back in my bed colby was gone

I went to find him he was downstairs on the couch I sat next to him and he moved away sam and Kat looked at each other I looked at kat then they went upstairs "um did I do something" I asked "Idk did you "what" "you didn't ask me to shower with you" "that's what you're mad about?" I asked

"you always ask" "babe I don't feel good I didn't wanna shower with you" I explained "well I'm upset" "well I don't care" I said and walked away I put shoes on and got my phone and car keys and then walked out Colby's car was blocking me in so I went back inside and and grabbed his keys instead and took his car to target I got stuff for the house and our bedroom and then I got some tampons razors, feminine wipes and feminine wash, and then I got some snacks pop and some alcohol

I also got some clothes

Then I checked out and put all the stuff in the car and went to Walmart for groceries and cotton candy ice cream and more alcohol and clothes then I went home and brought everything in the house "damn did you buy the whole store" Kat asked

I put all the groceries away then took the rest of the stuff upstairs to mine and Colby's bedroom colby was napping and I did some laundry and made dinner and I made garlic bread and then my cramps started coming back so I took midol we all ate dinner colby did the dishes and folded my laundry and put it away I cleaned our room and bathroom and put my new clothes away

Put the tampons on the counter in the bathroom and then changed my clothes (pic above #2) went pee and changed my tampon and then after I got ice cream and was eating it in bed "cotton candy Ice cream? Colby asked"I thought you didn't feel good" "i don't" i explained "I'm on my period" I told him "oh damn that's why you didn't want to shower with me" he asked "yeah"
I told him "well I feel like an ass" "don't"

I finished my ice cream and Colby cuddled me while we watched a movie

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