Late for work part 1

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I had woken up to our alarm beeping By my head,
bed all to myself , vaguely remembering Jay's kiss goodbye an hour before as he headed off to work. I told him to tell voight I was going to be late so

Groaning I shut the alarm off tossing the blankets off me. I felt the wetness between my legs
gravity doing it's work, already knowing the cause, I got up and headed off to the bathroom to shower before it became a massacre on the sheets.

right on time, and all the signs were there throughout the week.

Tender breasts, cravings, irritability, tiredness. So, it definitely wasn't shocking at all to wake up to my monthly gift.

However, that surely didn't make it pleasant. After getting ready for the day i grabbed my badge I went to Dunkin grabbed me and Jay some ice Carmel coffees and I headed to the station

"you're late" Antonio informed me "no shit"
"Hey sexy" I handed jay his coffee and sat at my desk

Me Erin and Kim were all in the same mood if you know what I mean

"Why do you girls all look like you got hit by a truck" Adam asked jay shook his head at ruztek

I texted Jay

Good news. I'm not pregnant.

If wasn't more than a few minutes later I received a reply,

Lol, shark week?

Laughing I typed back,

Indeed, shark week has begun. Prepare yourself.

Bubbles popping up just as I answered,

That explains a lot..

I rolled my eyes small smile on my lips "what are we in fifth grade you're right next to each other" antonio responded

I typed a simple response before slipping I  phone into your purse,


I knew he was joking, but i also knew that my irritability during the PMSing stage was no joke so it was a fair reply

I was getting information about our suspect from a shooting earlier that resulted in 3 deaths I was hoping that my cramps would be contained until I got home but unfortunately I I didn't even make it until lunch time. Nails digging into my desk as I breathed through the pain searching for the Midol you definitely had stashed somewhere. You'd think after having it so long I would get used to it, but nope. Every month sucked just as much as the last.

We had the guy who did it and we're interviewing him right now it was onlinskey Antonio and bought the rest of us we're looking at other suspects and I was dying "you good Blake" ruztek asked Jay looked up at me "no not really" I breathed "here come with me" jay helped me up to the bathroom "what's wrong, you gonna throw up, you need medicine what" he was very concerned

I went into the stall  and I puked in the toilet twice I changed my tampon and then jay got my bag with midol, anti nausea medicine, a water bottle, a snack and gum and tampons of course, I took four midol two anti nausea pills with the water and then got up washed my face and hands and chewed some gum and then went back out to my desk like nothing happened I ate my snack and then went back to working so did everyone else

4 hours later  I went to the bathroom and changed my tampon went pee and flushed pulled my underwear and pants up

Headed back to my desk our shift was over so me and jay went home
I stopped to get tampons midol anti nausea meds and snacks I got 3 of each one set for the appointment one for jays desk and one set for mine

then I went back to the apartment "you okay love" "I will be" I took four midol two anti nausea pills with water and then me and Jay showered and put our pajamas on with is just underwear for jay and underwear shorts and his shirt for me

Now we're in bed

2 am I woke up with unbearable pain in my stomach  and a gush of  a waterfall come out of me I stood up and

I ran to the bathroom I clung to the toilet bowl I hurt so much I was crying I had blood all over my shorts

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