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"Colby I'm doing homework stoppp"

Im in nursing school and I'm currently on the second day of my period and it's fantastic 🙄

Im 19 I'm dating 22 year old colby Brock he lives in Los Angeles California with his best friend samual goldbach
I'm a model and a singer and I'm going to be a nurse as well colby and I have been friends since middle school and dating for about a year

I'm wearing (pic above #1) and I'm trying to do homework at the table but Colby was being annoying "babe let me finish my homework then I'll come cuddle with you" "okay" he said disappointed

I finished my homework and then I stood up and a gush of blood came out of me and I sneezed like 3 times colby was in his room editing "dude you're bleeding" sam says "i fucking know" I snapped and ran upstairs and into the bedroom and then into the bathroom I changed my tampon and threw the

garbage away and put new underwear and leggings on then I flushed the toilet washed my hands went to the laundry room and put my clothes in the washer and soap and turned it on and then I went

downstairs and put my homework away then went back upstairs colby was sitting on the couch he pulled me into his lap I got off him "uhh excuse me?" He said "what?" I was confused " you always sit on my lap" "I don't want to" i told him "what's the matter "I just don't want to sit on you Jesus" I snapped and went upstairs

Colby's pov

I followed blake upstairs she was sitting on my bed crying I sat next to her "no no no we don't do that, you tell me what's going on with you," I explained to her "figure it out" "baby I can't read your mind please tell me"

Back to me

I wouldn't tell him what was wrong "just fucking take me home" I snapped

I live with my stepbrother Justin by the way he's 21
I showered I did my hair and took medicine

I was laying on the couch wearing (pic above #2)

"What's wrong with you? Colby is texting me what did you do?" "Well tell fucking Colby that I'm on my fucking period and i didn't want to sit on his ducking lap" Justin's eyes widened "damn Blake what I do?" He said "nothing I'm on my period leave me alone"

"I got that but damn why are you acting like that "because I don't fucking feel good and I didn't want to sit on Colby's lap because i didn't wanna get blood on him and he freaked out on me"

"Did you tell him that?" He asked "no" "dude then how is he supposed to know that" "from me not sitting on his lap" "well he's a guy he assumes that you're mad at him or something else he's never gonna get that you're mad because you don't feel good"

"I don't care i just wanna be alone I'm going to my room" I went upstairs and into my room just the door and took a nap

Colby's pov
I was sitting on the couch watching tv with Sam "so why'd Blake leave?" "Cuz she wanted to and idk what her fucking problem is she always sits on my lap" "think about it dude she's emotional and you sent her away instead of being there for her" I was still confused
"She always sits on you are you sure" "yes unless she's on her peri-oh fuck I'm a terrible boyfriend"

I got up and put my shoes on and left I went to the store got a box of tampons a fuzzy blanket and some snacks then I went to her house Justin let me in I went upstairs she was sleeping I let her sleep

I went downstairs and hung out with Justin

1 hour later
Blake came downstairs and got on the couch with me and Justin "I'm sorry" she kissed Justin on the cheek and then crawled into my lap "I'm sorry I didn't know that it was your period you could have just said that" "I didn't want to" "I got that but communication is key you got to do I can take care of you, in sickness and in health" "we're not married"

"Not yet" I kissed her

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