Baby boy

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"Baby baby baby"

Baby... babies" bubbies baby oh baby, Colby Brock colby Brock" I was sitting on the couch at Colbys house holding hands with Colby we were both on our phones playing a game

I wearing (pic above) "what...the...fuck are you doin" he was staring at me I looked at him he was smiling I laughed then I turned my phone off and crawled into his lap straddling him "hi baby" he smiled I cuddled into him "what the fuck do you want" he rudely said I pouted "I'm just kidding, baby I'm kidding" he gave me that look with this blue eyes that make me melt

"babe I was kidding" he said I smiled I put my forehead to his forehead "you having fun there" he laughed "mhm" I laughed I kissed him passionately then I pulled away then I got up and walked over to the restroom because my stomach was cramping I pulled my pants and underwear down fuck there was a puddle of blood

Colby and I have been dating for two years but we both travel a lot for work so I don't talk about it to him cuz he's never around when I do get it

I wiped stood up flushed the toilet and pulled my underwear and pants up and went upstairs to Colby's room change my underwear and pants I found a tampon in my bag I inserted it and threw the garbage away pulled my pants back up and washed my hands went down to the basement put them in the washer then went upstairs to Colby "uh oh I know that face what's wrong" he asked I sat on the couch next to him he wrapped his arm around me I laid my head on his chest "what babe" "I want your attention" I told him "honey, you have my undivided attention, always" "well I want extra attention" "why" he rubbed my back

Colby's pov
"Babe" she asked "yeah" "can we go get jack in the box" "sure" "and Colby can we go to target" I got up and put my converse on so did she and we went to get food she looked uncomfortable I had a feeling I knew what was wrong but I wasn't going to ask "you okay?"' I asked driving to target
"No but I'll live please stop asking me if I'm okay" she was kinda mad "okay I'm sorry"

I followed her into target I was pushing the cart "babe slow down what's up with you?" "Nothing colby can you stop" "I didn't even do anything"

We walked out of the store without buying anything I was so confused what's her deal "babe slow dow come here" "no Colby just take me home" "okay I'll take you to my house" "no my house" "but your car is at my house babe" "Fine can you just stay in the car I have to go back in the store" She walked away and i grabbed her hand and turned her around facing me "talk to me, we don't do this, when we don't like something we fix it, I can't help you if you just going to be mad at me" she walked away and back into the store and then I went back to the car and sat in the car she came back 10 minutes later with a bag I didn't really notice what was in the bag

(candy, midol tampons and pads)

I let it go whatever was bothering her she clearly didn't want to talk about it

I was driving "my house or yours" "yours" she said grabbing my free hand

Back to me

At Colby's house I took my purchase into Colby's room i I went to restroom with the tampons and pads I opened it colby walked into the bathroom "babe you wanna film with me and Sam then cud-" he looked at the box and then looked at me "cuddle" he said "what kind of video" "a couple video" "yeah sure" he turned around and walked out I finished opening the box and bag of oads I pulled my underwear and pants down and sat on the toilet took out my tampon went pee wiped inserted a new one put a pad on then threw all the garbage away stood up flushed washed my hands and walked out colby was sitting on his couch in his room I looked at him and then crawled into his lap he rubbed my back "I'm sorry" he said I looked at him "why" "because I didn't know that's what you were doing

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