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Detective zoe haskett of Chicago Police Department intelligence

"Haskett everything okay" Jay Halstead my partner asks "fine" I was looking at paperwork he sat on my desk "Halstead get your ass off my desk before I get hank" hank voight is our boss

He got up and sat back down at his desk

"Alright we got two victims 16 years old one dead one at med getting treatment, I wanna know who and why" voight gave us names and pictures of what the victims look like

In the car
Jay was driving "haskett you good" he asked "dude I'm fine just focus on the game plan and road" I snapped "okay jesus" he said

.. he was looking at me "what" I snapped "first of all you better stop talking to me like that"

After the shift 5 pm

"haskett come over tonight"  "and do what exactly?" "Drink, watch a movie, make out, you know what we usually do" "you wish"  "play scrabble" I joked "is scrabble the new slang for hook up Halstead" ruztek said

At his apartment we were drinking I was wearing (pic above #1) 

"Zoe" Jay grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him "Halstead I'm not trying to fuck you" I told him "awe why not?" He pouted "because this isn't gonna work out and I'm not your fuck buddy im your friend, if we do this I wanna do it for real no games"

"Okay no games" he told me I gave him a look "I promise" "can i at least kiss you" I kissed him passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away

Then he kissed me on the lips and pulled away

6 months later
We moved in together and still haven't had sex

~Jays p.o.v ~
"What's the deal with you and haskett" Antonio asked me "we're together, we live together" "yeah, well everyone can see the sexual tension from a mile away" "yeah we haven't" I gave him a look "no" "really, honest" "she's got you wrapped around her finger" he said I chuckled "yeah she's different, I don't mind waiting with her"

Zoe and I had just finished our shift and we're walking into the apartment I locked the door we locked our guns up and started changing she gave me a weird look and I looked at her she walked into the bathroom

Back to Zoe
I went to the bathroom and shut the door there was blood in my underwear I went pee and wiped
I needed new underwear and some shorts fuck I'll have to get jay "jay"I put the bloody underwear in the hamper

Jays pov
"Jay" "yeah" "can you bring me shorts and some underwear please" she asked i was confused but I got her  a pair of new underwear and some shorts and knocked on the door "come in" she told me I went in and gave her the stuff I gave her a look "everything okay?"  She took the stuff and put it on I left

Back to Zoe

I put a pad on my underwear threw the garbage away and stood up flushed pulled my underwear up I put jays sweatpants on and washed my hands and walked out

Jays pov
"everything okay" I asked "can you go to the store for me?" She replied "what do you need" "tampons" I gave her a look "oh....oh..yeah, what kind" she told me the brand and size and I went to get them

I was now laying in bed with my girlfriend she crawled on top of me "hi" "hi" she kissed me passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away "I love you so much baby" I pecked her lips "how you feeling?" I asked "could be better" "you have cramps or anything" I asked "yeah"

I rubbed her belly until we both fell asleep

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