New beginnings part 2

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"I thought I had his back I thought that we" I was crying

"It's not your fault brooks he's gonna be okay, you did everything you could" Antonio said

"Once is a coincidence, twice you're bad luck, you'll think differently when it's the second time"

"Your previous partner"
"It was almost the same, only he bled out in my arms, and jay...." "Jay had you, you saved his life, you had his back trust me" will said

Voight appeared in the room "jays out of surgery, he's gonna be okay, we can go see him"

I was the first one to my feet I was still covered in jays blood in my bra and jeans

I went into jays room by myself I was the first one to see him he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes "you're okay" "I can say the same about you"

I walked over to him and grabbed his hand gently "I told you I wouldn't leave"  I leaned closer to his face "don't ever leave" I kissed his cheek and then everyone else came in to see him "hell of a fighter man" 

"Nah I had my girl by my side" jay said "she wouldn't let me die"

I took a shower in jays bathroom and changed my clothes I stayed with jay in the hospital overnight I was sleeping on him I was looking at him crying when he was sleeping he woke up "hey why you crying" "I'm so sorry jay" "hey it's okay I'm okay, look at me, this is not your fault okay"  he wiped my tears I kissed him passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away

Jays staying with me until he's ready to go back to work it's been about two weeks "jay stay home, you need to rest" "no I wanna get back out there"

"Jay just stay home" "first of all this isn't my home" "fine" I walked out of the apartment

... 1 year later....

It was a slow day at the office today, for the first time in months I had time to have an actual conversation with my colleagues and I was trying to get jay to go to the Justin Bieber concert jay had other thoughts about it

"Please jay, it will be fun" he was sitting on the edge of my desk "Justin Bieber, babe I love you but not really my cup of tea " he played with the ring on my finger

"I'll go" Kim joined the conversation jay raised his eyebrow
"Justin Bieber really Kim?" "Jay I've been in love with Justin Bieber since I was a teenager" "oh I know"

"I'll come" Adam said "me too" "yeah beer and music, I'm in" "fine I'll go but you owe me" "I owe you nothing" I informed him

We were at the concert I was wearing (pic above) the opening acts performed and then jay chugged his beer he was not in the mood for this concert I kissed him on the cheek "you still love me?" "The things imma do to you later" I laughed

"You're all that matters to me, yeah, yeah
Ain't worried about nobody else
If I ain't with you, I'm not myself
You make me complete" I sang along grabbbing jay he was smiling

.. the concert was over everyone was completely drunk off their minds and jay was the worst "Halstead let's go now" we went back home I pushed him into the bed "get in bed and stop

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