The red lady (short)

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Me sam colby and amanda are staying at Americans most haunted hotel oh yeah colby and I are dating

The lady in red does not like women (wearing pic above #1)

"Hey what's up guys it's Sam and Colby Austin and Amanda are here with us today" Colby said we waved

"We are staying at the fairmount hotel in Vancouver someone grabbed my hair it wasn't colby "I literally just felt someone grab my hair" I said "someone in a red dress literally grabbed her hair then she looked at me with the most evil eyes you could imagine like she knows we're not supposed to be here" Amanda says

The tour guide was explaining how people get grabbed and there's a lady in red named rose who views the girls as competition I heard someone whisper "get out" I started crying "she doesn't want us in her room" I said "I heard get out" I said "you heard that" Amanda said "yeah did you guys hear anything" she asked the boys "no" Colby said "are you okay" he wiped my tears

We we're investing alone when I started having cramps and I felt something warm and wet down below oh fuck amanda and I went back to the room "as soon as we went down to that room like I got super bad cramps and I think I got my period like dead ass" I went to the bathroom and pulled my pants and underwear down and there was blood in

my underwear I changed my whole outfit (wearing pic above #2)

and inserted a tampon and washed my hands and walked out "i felt super lightheaded down there she doesn't like me" "yeah she doesn't I feel like because she was in prostitution she loves Sam and Colby but hates us because we're her competitors were taking her money"

Colby and Sam came back up to the room filming we did the Estes method on camera "get out" Colby couldn't here us "do you want the girls to leave" "get out" we left the room

They finished the Estes method then we came back in "she hates us we're like complete competition to her she's like you're not stealing my money and Austin I don't mean to scare you but she's targeting you because you're here with a man in her room she's like almost like stay away from Colby this one's mine" "well actually this ones mine" Colby hugged me and kissed me "please back off rose" he said "i love you"

"I love you too" I said

The end

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