welcome back

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Some lawyers lady left jay her phone number "what's that?" I asked "nothing" "phone number, eh I'll kill her" he ripped it up

"What you mad?" "Jays my bitch" I grabbed his face   
"Oh we know"  ruzek said I backed away "and don't you forget it"

I was very drunk after a long day at work we all went to Mollys

Jays p.o.v
Brooks was extremely drunk "you got her" everyone asked "yeah" I took her to my apartment locked our guns in the safe and helped her into my bedroom

I gave her one of my tshirts she took off everything except her underwear and put my shirt on

now We were laying in bed "jay" "yeah" "I'm really drunk" I chuckled "oh I know"  she kissed me on the cheek "brooks go to bed"

Next morning
Back to brooks

I woke up on bed with jay, Whst the fuck happened

"What the hell happened last night jay"

1 year and 6 months later

jay and I broke up 3 months ago after my younger brother died I just wasn't the same

we walked into the station every day together for 3 years and now we aren't even friends anymore I'm depressed I'm in a rut I feel like I'm trapped and I'm trying to escape this world and life and Im just going through the motions and I can't do it anymore, I showed up hung over every day for for 3 months and doing pills and smoking weed, I wasn't even allowed to shoot anymore so I was on desk duty and I was beyond miserable

I needed an escape, I missed him so much us talking laughing but my brother dying it changed me

"Hey hank, you aren't gonna be happy but, I quit" I turned in my badge and I left


I got a job as a bartender, it's not my ideal job but it's money it pays rent and I don't have to see jay

Jays p.o.v
"Where's brooks"  Adam says "she quit she's gone"  voight says

"I'm worried about her, she doesn't respond to texts she's drinking every night"  Kim says "she told me the other night that it's like she's digging a grave and trying to find a way out of it, like being buried alive

"Jay you should go talk to her shes working at Mollys"  "she made her choice, she broke my heart I have nothing to say to her" 

Back to brooks 2 days later

... jays been shot...

I was hung over at fuck and tripping on the coke I did right before

Will was calling me "hello" "hey I'm zoey,, I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry you might not care to here this but jays been shot, he's in bad shape he's getting treatment at med right now" "thank you"

I got sober did my makeup got dressed in (pic above) all in like 10 minutes

.. I arrived at med "hey I'm here for Jay Halstead"  I noticed everyone in the waiting room "he's in surgery right now, I'll let you know" "okay thank you"

I waited with everyone till he was out of surgery

He needed another surgery the day before I didn't leave the hospital he woke up and I was the first person he saw

"Hey" he was weak "hey how are you feeling?"  "I'm okay how are you" "I feel lost just like completely drained"

3 months later jays healing nicely I'm in recovery I'm in a rehabilitation program in Chicago and I'm in therapy right now talking about my problems and I'm on antidepressants I'm going to the gym eating healthy trying to stay healthy

I got discharged last week and now I'm working at the 31st district

1 month later I reached out to jay and asked how he was doing "hey it's zoey how are you doing?" "I'm okay. How are you doing" "better"

I got my old job back on the intelligence unit i didn't tell anyone but I arrived at work and clocked in and went upstairs "we have a new member of the intelligence team, everyone meet zoey brooks" voight said "hey girl" "hey" "hey" "hey omg you're back" "meet your new partner Jay Halstead" I played along and shook his hand "I'm Zoey nice to meet you" "get over here" he pulled me into a hug I laughed we let go "welcome back"

The end

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