We Need To Talk

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In the workshop, Scott was under one of the toddler cars, tightening some bolts. "Okay, try it now." An elf pulls on the core and the engine roars, causing all the elves to cheer. "Okay, all right." Scott said, rolling out from under the car to sit up. "Here's what we need. Get one more bolt on that flange and it's ready for Christmas. Good work, guys. Whew!"

Scott, (Name), Bernard, and Curtis started walking through the workshop, seeing how the rest of the elves are doing. "Perfect job on suspension, you guys. Thinking outside the box. I love it." (Name) said two elves at their station, causing them to smile with pride.

An elf with a chef hat, walk up to Scott and (Name). "Do you want a cookie, Santa and Ms. Helper?" She asked in a sweet voice. "Do we want a cookie?" Scott asked, turning to look at his daughter. "Yes! What's fresh?" (Name) asked, leaning down to the little chef's level.

The elf smiles and grabs two cookies from her basket, holding them out. "Oooh! Sweet, just like you." (Name) said pinching the elf's cheek as she took her cookie. Scott took his cookie and patted the elf on the shoulder making her smiled even more.

Scott took a bite of his cookie as he walk over to one of the stations. An elf was trying to get a kangaroo toy to work, but it kept falling down. "Alexander, let's think. Take the hat off." The elf does what Scott suggested and removed the hat, causing the toy to work properly "Too much counterweight."

"Thanks, Santa. You're the man." The elf told him. "That's why they give me the big belly, so I don't fall over!" Scott said, cackling as they leave. "Hey, Joey!" (Name) called out, as she looks upstairs. An elf appeared looking over the railing. "How's that static-free-tinsel coming?"

"Hey, guys, (Name) and Santa wants to see the new tinsel." Suddenly buckets of tinsel is drop onto Scott, (Name), and Bernard from the elves upstairs who laugh at them. "I could come up there and take care of this the ugly way." Scott said, causing the elves upstairs to go silent, with worry. "Or... we go outside and play some football." The elves cheered as they ran to the door, with Scott and (Name) still covered in tinsel heading that way as well.

Bernard and Curtis stayed behind, where the Head Elf threw the tinsel off of him in frustration. "Curtis, you need to tell them right now!" He said, leaning down to Curtis's level. "I don't know. They're so happy right now. AND WHY DO I HAVE TO BE THE ONE TO TELL THEM?!"

"Because! I'm the head elf. I don't give bad news. It's one of the perks of my seniority." Bernard explained causing Curtis to roll his eyes. "Now, tell them!" Bernard stood up and turn to head to the exit, only to bump right into (Name). Bernard stumbled back startled, while (Name) look unfazed.

"(Name)! I... uh... thought you went outside to play football." Bernard said, putting his hand under his armpit nervously. "Is there's something you like to tell me?" (Name) asked, raising eyebrow. "I..." Bernard looked at Curtis for help, but the little glasses elf just gestured him to tell her.

"Well...  actually it's more for Santa." Bernard said, looking at his girlfriend again. "Oh really? Then uh... why did you say, 'tell them'? Kind of sounds like it applies to both my father and I." (Name) asked, crossing her arms. "Actually it does but uh... it just be easier to tell both of you at the same time." Curtis explained.

"Hmm." (Name) look between Bernard and Curtis. "Fine. Let's got get my Dad then, cause I'm getting tired of you two whispering behind our back." The Little Helper turn on her heels and headed to the exit.

"(Name), please. I wanted to tell, but I just didn't know how to do it. So, I thought it was best Curtis does it." Bernard explained as he chases after her. "Yeah, how's that working out?" Curtis asked, tailing behind. "Quite." Bernard barked back at him.

(Name) headed up the steps that led to the exit. "(Name), (Name), (Name)!" Bernard ran ahead of her, to cut her off and stand in front of her. "Are you mad? You know I can't handle you being mad at me." The Head Elf said, with puppy dog eyes.

"I'm not mad... just disappointed, you didn't feel you could just tell me whatever's wrong yourself." (Name) answered, stepping side to walk around Bernard. "Hold on." Bernard grab (Name) hand and pull her back, he then wrap his arms around her, hugging her from behind. "I'm sorry." Bernard said, pressing his forehead down on her shoulder. "Do you forgive me?"

"I don't know." (Name) answered, before she smirks. "I think I need some convincing." Bernard perks his head up surprised, then smiles. "Oh yeah?" He asked, (Name) turn her head to look at him. "Yeah." Bernard lets out a nervous chuckle. "I think I can do that." He said, pressing his forehead against her's.

"Get a room." Curtis commented, breaking the tender moment. Bernard frown in annoyance letting out a groan. "We'll continue this conversation later." (Name) said, giving Bernard a quick peck on the lips. Bernard smiles and let's (Name) go. "As you wish, Snowbell."

The elf trio went outside to finally meet up with Scott who was being dog pile after being defeated in football once again. "Oh, they pile on! Okay, you win! You guys aren't elves. You're wizards!" Scott cried as the elves climb off of him and the trio walk down to greet him.

"No matter how many times you run that play I never see it coming." He said, sitting up out of breath. "Santa? We need to talk." Bernard said glancing to Curtis, with worry.

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now