Baby In Coming

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Four years went by since the whole Mrs. Clause problem. But now there's something new that has everyone worked... Carlo aka Mrs. Clause is pregnant. It's a joyous time but also an anxious one. The baby could be born at any moment and everyone in the Pole needs to be ready for it. The baby could come tomorrow, or in a week, or two weeks, or...

"BUN IN THE OVEN!" Or right now. Bernard stood in the middle of the courtyard, yelling the codeword for Carol about to have her baby. All the elves stop in their tracks in an instant, at the sound of those words.

"Baby Claus is on the way. Ladies, keep up. We need hot water and a lot of ointment. You, think sugar plums. Do not panic! Do not panic!" Scott told the nurse elves that ran behind him as he pushes his wife down in the hall on a gurney.

(Name) race through the halls with Curtis, meeting up with Scott and Carol. (Name), Curtis, the baby's coming!" Scott told them. "The baby's coming!" Curtis repeated. Abby appears running next to the gurney. "Mrs. Claus, the baby's coming." She told pregnant woman. "I knowwww!"

They race outside through the courtyard as every elf started coming out, wanting to see the baby. "Deep breaths." Scott told his wife, who waved her hand, telling everyone to get out of the way. "Oh, oh, oh! Whoa!"

An elf who was block their path, leap out of the way crashing into the snow, so Mrs. Claus wouldn't crash into them. "That's gonna leave a mark." Scott commented. After nearly crashing into a moving stain glass window, and  spilling a bunch of balls, they finally arrived at the delivery room.

"Oh, oh, Scott." Carol said, holding her belly. "Everything's gonna be all right. Where's Dr. Hismus?" Scott asked looking around. "Oh, Scott." Carol repeated. "I'm right here, babe. I'm right here. It's all right."

"Honey, I'm afraid it was a false alarm." Carol finally said, causing all the elves to groan. "Again?" One elf asked. "I stopped a pedicure for this?" Another asked, as one by one all the elves squeezed out of the room.

"What's going on? Why is everyone leaving?" Bernard asked, pushing through the crowd of disappointed elves. "False alarm." (Name) answered. "Again?" Bernard asked, dropping his arms in disappointment.

Carol looked around the tiny delivering room. Her feet were pressed against one wall and her head was against the other. She turns to look at her husband, not happy about this. "Scott, you said you were going to enlarge this delivery room."

"Oh, we did Mrs. Claus. It's twice the size!" Bernard told her. "Really?" (Name) asked looking around. "Doesn't really look that much different." She commented. "This will never work. How am I supposed to deliver a baby in a hospital made for elves?" Carol asked, Bernard and Curtis looked at her, unsure how to feel about that.

"I'm sorry boys, it just... this room is too small for me. There's hardly any room to move around. What if Scott and I have another child? Or you and (Name) decide to have a baby Bernard..." Hearing these words, Bernard and (Name) eyes widen at this. They look at each other then look away, blushing at the thought of having a child.

It has cross their minds... Bernard more than (Name). But they have yet to have the baby talk. Maybe they're not ready, or they're scared. One can't really say. Wanting to bring a child into the world is a lot to consider.

Especially a child made by two elves who were once humans. There's no telling how the child would even turn out. A regular small elf. Or a elf that grows like a human until one day they just stop.... If they even stop.

"It's okay honey, we can make the room bigger. Can't we?" Scott asked, looking at the trio. "I'll sent word right away, Santa." Bernard exited the delivering room, with (Name) and Curtis following after him.

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now