Tinsel Football

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(Name), Bernard, and Curtis walk around outside with Toy Santa trailing behind them, his plastic nose buried into the Santa Handbook. "Well, I think he's learning at an excellent rate." Curtis said. "Oh, really? This morning he ate a bowl of waxed fruit." Bernard told the little glass wearing elf. "Where does he even store all the things he's eating?" (Name) asked.

"Wait a minute." Toy Santa said, causing the trio to stop to hear what he has to say. "I need the naughty-and-nice list." The toy said pointing at one of the pages. "No." Bernard said, slightly shaking his head.

"It says I'm supposed to check it twice." Toy Santa said, looking up from his book. "Santa already checked it." Bernard told him. "No, I didn't." Toy Santa replied. "The real Santa." Bernard said. "I am the real Santa!"

"I'm sorry?" Bernard asked, narrowing his eyes at the toy. "I'm in charge here." Toy Santa said, grinning. "What?" Bernard asked. (Name) and Curtis look at each other, with concern. "I check the list twice. That's the rule. I like the rules. I think your aware of how I feel about that." Toy Santa explained.

"I think you're misunderstanding something." Bernard told him. "No, I'm the rule-maker. I like the rules. Santa likes rules. I thought I explained this to you?" Toy Santa explained again, closing the Handbook.

"It's alright Santa I memorized the list, so you don't need to check it." (Name) said, cutting in to settle the argument. Bernard nodded with a smile, putting his hands behind his back. "Yes, of course!"

"No. It says right here the Little Helper has to memorized the list." Toy Santa said, holding up the Handbook. "I am the Little Helper." (Name) replied, putting a hand on her chest. "No, the Little Helper an elf. You ain't no elf missy." (Name), frowns as she pressed her hands to her earmuffs, pushing down on them in shame.

Bernard narrow his eyes at Toy Santa, feeling a rage building up inside. "You plastic little..." Seeing Bernard take a step towards Toy Santa,  Curtis panic at the thought, of what the Head Elf might do. "I've got a good idea! How about we have some fun?" He suddenly ask, getting their attention off of each other and onto himself.

"Huh?" Toy Santa asked, confused. "It's good to have fun." Curtis told the toy. "Right." Bernard place his hand on Toy Santa's shoulder as he points at the elves playing in the courtyards. "Santa, look over there. See those elves? Go ahead." Bernard put his hands behind his back as he gives a sly smile. "Go play some tinsel football."

"Break!" The elves playing get into position. "What's the object of tinsel football?" Toy Santa asked. "Come on." Curtis said, signaling Toy Santa to lean down to his level. "If you don't have the ball, get it. If you have the ball, run to the end zone."

Curtis and Toy Santa smile at each other as they nod. "Okay, I'll go get the football." Toy Santa handed the Handbook to Curtis before he ran out to join the game. "This I gotta see." (Name) said, grinning along with Bernard.

"Ready, hike!" The ball is pass to quarterback, as the others run out to their next positions. Toy Santa gave out a bloodcurdling cry as he charges for the quarterback, tacking the poor elf to the ground. The trio drop their smiles, quickly realizing this was a terrible idea.

Toy Santa jumps to his feet holding the ball, as the quarterback stays on the ground, out like a light. "Alright! I've got the ball. What are you gonna do? Who's gonna stop me? Come on!" The elves charges at Toy Santa, in an useless attempt to reclaim the ball. "This is a lot of fun!"

Toy Santa push one elf down to the ground, before he hits another elf with the football, knocking them out. "I don't see so! Ya-Ha-ha-ha!" Toy Santa slams his big plastic belly into another elf, knocking them the ground. He then swings his free arm out, causing another elf to hit his arm with his neck, knocking him down.

Curtis looks away unable to watch further, Bernard grabs his head fearing for the elves, and (Name) covers her mouth in complete utter shock. "Oh, so sorry!" Toy Santa laughs.

Another elf tries to jump at him, but Toy Santa steps aside, so he fall onto the ground. Toy Santa then steps on his back, wiping his boots like the elf was a door mate, before he hop off.

Joey stands there all alone now, terrified. Toy Santa gestures him to come closer, causing his plastic fingers to squeak. Joey turn tail and ran the other way, and Toy Santa gave chase. "Come here! Stop! Slow down when I'm talking to you!"

Joey ran up the stairs that lead up to the workshop. Toy Santa threw the football at him but misses, causing it to bounce off the stairs. Toy Santa ran up the steps after Joey, who made a run for the stairs on the other side to get down. (Name) chase after the toy with Bernard following after her, and Curtis following him.

"Come here, you! Come on. YAAAAAAHH!" Toy Santa tries to jump at Joey to tackle him, but completely misses and falls to the ground as Joey escapes. Toy Santa was about to get up to continue the chase, but is tackled by (Name) who jumps on his back to keep him down.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" She yelled, some elves covered their mouths in shock. "OoooOOOOOooo!" Other elves said, as (Name) grabs the back straps of Toy Santa's overalls shaking him. "I'm gonna rip you to piec..." Bernard comes up from behind (Name), coving her mouth with his hand.

Bernard wrap his other arm around her waist to pull her off of the toy. "(Name), may I speak with you alone?" He asked, with a nervous smile as he drags (Name) off towards the workshop door. "Curtis, take Santa back to his room and make sure he's alright." Bernard told the smaller elf, as another elf open the workshop door for him and (Name). "Thank you, Jovie."

Bernard carried (Name) through the workshop, his hand still over her mouth. The elves stop what they working to stare at the couple, as Bernard drag (Name) past their station. "Will you stop licking my hand!" He told (Name), as he carried her into his little office room before kicking the door shut with his foot. Bernard finally let (Name) go to lock the door and wipe his now slobbered up hand. "You can be so immature sometimes."

"I'm sorry I just..." (Name) grab her head, letting a frustrated groan. "I can't take all this waiting around anymore!" She admitted, throwing her hands up into the air. "Christmas is getting closer and closer and we haven't heard a word from my Dad. I mean..."

She removes her earmuffs to reveal, her ears have completely changed back to normal. Bernard frown at her human shape ears. "And now that plastic nut job just put six elves in the infirmary!"

(Name) let out a heavy sigh, dropping her earmuff to the ground. She take a seat on Bernard's desk, hunching over to cover her face with her hands. "This Christmas is gonna be a disaster... if there's even gonna be one." Bernard looks at his girlfriend with pity, understanding her concerns. He be lying if he's said he wasn't starting to lose a little fate in Scott finding a wife in time.

Bernard walks over to where (Name) sat on his desk, slipping his hands through his arms to place them on the desk. "I know how you feel, (Name). But there's still time. We just have to have fate that your Father will see us through. I don't plan on saying goodbye just yet."

(Name) dragged her hands down her face before she look up to meet Bernard's eyes. "I don't plan to either." She said back into a whisper. Bernard smiles a little before he leans down to capture (Name's) lips with his own. (Name) wrap her arms around Bernard's neck pulling him closer as they kissed.

The day till Christmas arrives is drawing closer day by day. Increasing (Name) and Bernard's anxiety of Scott failing get marry in time. But luckily unbeknownst to then... it seems Scott finally found someone he hopes to make his Mrs. Claus.

(Okay maybe it's just me, but Toy Santa kind of reminds me of Markiplier a lot.)

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now