It's A Wonderful Life

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Finally with the baby born, Christmas is over, and Jack Frost gone everything has calm down at the North Pole. Scott and Carol are spoiling their new baby with love and attention. The elves are using Neil's stretching to relieve all the stress they've been under. Curtis is finally getting back into inventing things, though he'll take much more precautions this time.

That just leaves (Name) and Bernard, who've been in each other's company a lot more than normal. No one thought much of it, they always spend a lot of time together after Christmas. Work keeps them busy and builds up a lot of stress they need to release in each other's care. But all the one on one time made a lot more sense when (Name) gave Bernard little gift...

"I just don't know." Bernard said, holding his chin in thought. Curtis had came up with an invention that'll help deliver the gifts. It was basically drones that fly in through the chimney and drop the gifts off by the Christmas tree. "I know that look! I can assure you I worked out all the bugs and tested it multiple times! They work perfectly and they'll speed up the deliveries!"

"What about the houses that don't have Chimneys?" Bernard asked, as (Name) enter Curtis' room, her hands behind her back. Curtis looks away thinking for a moment. "I knew I was forgetting something!"

"Hello boys. What are you working on?" (Name) asked, stopping next to Bernard. "Nothing. Just an invention that won't actually work." Curtis answered, scrapped his drone idea.

Bernard turn to his wife with a smile, then he notices her hands behind her back and looked at her curious. "What do you have there?" (Name) let out a little giggle and hands Bernard a little red box. "Oh! Thank you, (Name). What is it?" Bernard asked, looking the box over to seeing no wrapping paper or ribbon. It was just a plain old box.

"Just open it." (Name) said with an eager smile. Bernard takes the top off, only finding a weird stick inside. Bernard pick up the stick, staring at it and confusion until I realize what it was. A pregnancy test... a positive pregnancy test.

Bernard's eyes grew so wide, they look like they're practically gonna pop out of their sockets. He jaw drop as he looked between the pregnancy test and (Name). "I... you... baby?" (Name) nodded her head with excitement. "We're having a baby!"

Tears a joy welled up in Bernard eyes, he drop the pregnancy text back in the box and pass it off to Curtis. So, he could scoop (Name) up into his arms and spin her around with joy. "You're gonna be a Mom! I'm gonna be a Dad! Hahaha!"

Curtis look down at box, eyeing the pregnancy test inside like it was Alien to him. "How does this make a baby?" He asked innocently, getting no answered from the happy couple.

Nine months later
Similar to when Carol have pregnant, the North Pole was on edge, waiting for (Name) to finally have her baby. Well... they were less on edge because it wasn't December but everyone was still anxiously awaiting a new arrival. Till finally the day came, and all the elves panic again rushing (Name) to the delivery room.

Bernard waited outside with Scott and Curtis, he didn't have the stomach to be in there while (Name) was given birth. He nearly fainted from the sight of her blood. So, he was stuck outside pacing back and forth, practically making a hole through the ground. He definitely walked enough to remove the snow under his feet. Who knew there was actually grass at the North Pole.

"I've never seen him like this before." Curtis commented to Scott. "Hey, Bernard? Maybe you should take a seat for a second." Scott told his Head Elf. "I can't! What is taking so long?!" Bernard asked, coming to a stop to look at his boss. "It just takes time. The baby isn't born until it wants to."

"Is there someway they can speed it up?" Bernard asked. "Well, I heard that sometimes doctors have to cut open the woman's stomach." Curtis said, causing Bernard to scream at the possibility of that happening.

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