Life In The North Pole

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Eight years have passed since that faithful night, Scott Calvin became Santa Claus and his daughter (Name), became his Little Helper. The two have spent the passing years bringing Christmas to all the children of the world, just as the Santa and Little Helper before them.

Outside of their job, their life in the North Pole has been rather nice. Scott is the most holly jolly Santa the elves have had in years, and (Name's) mood has greatly improved. She's so cheerful and happy that one could argue she's a completely different person now, compared to herself eight years ago.

However not everything is sunshine and rainbows. The older Charlie gets the more he acts out, similar to his older half sister. Scott has had to make many trips down to Illinois for a meeting with the principal to discuss Charlie's behavior.

(Name) on the other hand, doesn't travels down for a visits that much. She prefers to stay at the Pole, keeping everything together and staying with the elf in her life, Bernard. Who has become more relax but a hint of his old snarky self peeks through when he's stress. Usually when the dead line to Christmas, is upon them.

But (Name) is always there to help relax him and keep him from blowing a fuse. And luckily he does have her, cause Curtis has been driving him up the wall with his ideas to improve Christmas. Such ideas involved a duplicating machine that can create a copy of a toy, to speed up the toy making process.

Has a few bugs but Curtis promises it will make everything better, once he sort out all the problems. In fact Curtis was showing it off to (Name) right now, to get her approval of his machine. Usually Scott handles this, but he was back home again to discuss Charlie's behavior yet again.

(Name) strolled into the room with Bernard by her side. She wore her iconic elf hat with a matching elf outfit, specially designed for her size. With the golden locket she got from Bernard eight years ago, around her neck.

"So, you've made some enhancements, did ya?" (Name) asked Curtis, as the pair walk over to the controls where the little elf stood. A toddle size car sat on the conveyor belt. "Yes! Original I only plan to for the machine to make copies, but THEN I got an idea! Making a big toy smaller, this way we can make remote control cars much faster!" Curtis explained pushing up his glasses.

Bernard crossed his arms, not liking this one bit. He never approve of Curtis' machine. Not only does it take up a lot of space but it makes some of the other elves jobs seem pointless. Why hand craft a toy car when a machine can just make a bunch of copies. May as well replace all of them with machines!

"Well fire it up, let's see what this thing can do." (Name) said, looking over at the toy car. Curtis smiles and uses the controls to start up the machine. The conveyor belt pulls the car into the machine. "Follow me!" Curtis sad, running to the other side. (Name) and Bernard walked around, watching lighting flash off of the machine before the doors open, letting the now shrunken down toy car out.

Curtis smiles climbing onto the conveyor belt to grab the little toy car. He turns to the other elves in the room, pulling on the string, the little motor in the car sounds off causing the elves to cheer. (Name) smiles and claps for Curtis along with the other elves. Bernard turns to her with a worry look painted on his face.

"Oh come on, that was cool." She told Bernard, who didn't see the positive of the machine. "(Name), what if the elves feels as if they're being replace by a machine? We have neons old traditions of making toys by hand."

"I agree with you. Nobody can craft a hobby much like an elf. But what this machine can do is relieve some of the pressure caused by the fast food industry. All those little action figures and toys, we can't keep up with the demand. What the machine allows us to do is concentrate on the things we do best. Plus maybe it'll help you relax a little bit more in December."

"My job is never done. Besides December is the only appropriate time to be stress. Christmas seems to come back around faster and faster each year." Bernard explained getting a little flustered. "Which is why we need this machine." (Name) said, placing her hands on him, just below his shoulders.

Bernard gulp, staring into (Name's) eyes as he started to blush. After eight years of being together, he still get lovestruck by her sometimes. "I just don't want you to blow a fuse. Even the Head Elf can burn himself out."

Bernard stares at (Name) for a moment before he nodded, understanding. (Name) smiles and stood on her toes to kiss Bernard on the cheek. She then let Bernard go and walk over to congratulate Curtis. Bernard lower his head, smiling bashfully at the fact he just got a kiss.

"Curtis. Great job! This is fabulous." (Name) told the glasses elf, who smiled up at her. "Thank you, ma'am. Do you think Santa will like it?" He asked. "He's gonna love it!" (Name) patting Curtis on the head before she takes her leave, to check on the rest of the workshop.

"Curtis." Bernard called, causing the little glasses elf to turn with a smirk. Bernard walked up to Curtis, eyeing the elves around him. "Back to work." He order and the elves scurry off back to their stations. "You're stalling. If you don't tell them before Thanksgiving, I'm.. I.. I'm... I'm gonna... I just don't know what I'm gonna do!"

"If you care about it some much why don't you tell them? You know it effects (Name) too." Curtis said. "I'm aware of that." Bernard said through his teeth, looking frustrated. "Then why don't you tell them?" The smaller elf asked. "Because I order you to do it! It's your job, not mine!"

Curtis stared up at Bernard, finding it unfair he has to be the one that does it. Sure, he discovered the unfortunate news but it seemed more like a job for the Head Elf to be the one to pass it on to Santa and his Little Helper. "Tell them!" Bernard said, pointed a finger at Curtis before he left to continue his other Head Elf duties.

Bernard found (Name), helping a new young elf tie a bow to a present. It makes him smile to see how much she's grown, since their little lessons. "See? It's that simple!" The Little Helper said to the tiny elf. "You make it look so easy." The elf said, making (Name) laugh. "Trust me. It seem impossible for me too, but it just takes practice." She notices Bernard and ruffles the elf's hair. "Let me know if you need anymore help."

She then stood up from the elf's station and walk over to greet Bernard. "Everything alright?" Bernard smile grows. "Of course." He answered, being so lovestruck he didn't even considered why she would think anything's wrong. "Cause you and Curtis were whispering to each other again." (Name) said, causing Bernard smile to drop. Drat. He's been trying to be stealthy when talking to Curtis about 'the problem', but it seems she's caught him a few times.

"It's nothing to be concerned about." Bernard answered, mustering up a smile that only made him look guilty. "Are you sure?" (Name) asked, raising an eyebrow. Bernard bit on the bottom of his lip as he shook his head. "Hmm-hmm." (Name) stared at Bernard with a look of doubt. "Don't believe you, but okay."

"(Name). Can you help me?" An elf called from in the workshop. "Help is on the way, dear." The Little Helper said, looking in the direction of the distressed elf. Before leaving, she look back at Bernard for a moment. "Well, when you're ready to talk let me know." She then turn on her heels and walk off to help the elf. Bernard watched his girlfriend leave with a look of guilt.

He hates lying to her. But this is something both her and Scott need to hear together. This problem he and Curtis are being not so quite about, is so big it might put an end to Christmas.

(So coincidentally enough Disney just announced they're making a limited series of the Santa Clause. So far the only actor we know that's coming back is Tim Allen (of course) I hope the rest of the cast is able to return, especially David Krumholtz. We need Bernard back Disney doesn't matter how old the actor is now. Since the series just got announced I can't make any promises I'll do a story on it, we'll just have to wait and see.)

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now