Keeping An Eye On Jack

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It was a new day at the North Pole. Scott left to Illinois for Carol's parents the night before and won't be back till this afternoon. So, the Pole was left in the care of (Name) and Bernard.

(Name) laid in bed still asleep, when Bernard came over dressed for the day. He sat down at the edge, gently bushing strand of hair out of her face. "(Name)." He called, but his wife let out a groan, turning her head to bury it in her pillow.

"Snowbell, it time to get up." The Head Elf said, placing a hand on her shoulder to gently shake her. "Noooo." She muffled cried into her pillow. "Darling." Bernard said, using one of his new nicknames for his wife, but even that didn't seem to work.

(Name) turn over, her back facing Bernard. "Ever. Let me sleep forever." She told him, Bernard smiles lightly. "But then I can't talk to you or see that Beautiful smile." Bernard starts tickling her making (Name) laugh. "Or hear that adorable laugh." (Nam) turn on her back, sweaty Bernard's hands away. "Stop. Haha. Okay! Okay, I'm up!"

Bernard's smile grows when he see (Name) turn on her back and her eyes open to look at him. "Morning darling." Bernard whisper, leaning down to kiss her on the lips.

"Morning handsome." (Name) said when their lips pulled apart. (Name) let out a heavy sigh, remember the meeting from yesterday. "It's the first day of Jack helping out in the North Pole." Bernard nodded, going back over to his side of the room. "Yes. I can take him all day if you want."

(Name) sat up in bed, rubbing her eye tiredly. "No. I can handle him now." She said, pulling off the blanket and getting out of bed. "Are you sure?" Bernard asked, grabbing his satchel to put it on. "I can't hide from him forever. Besides one word from us and Dad will tell the other Legendary Figures to suspend him. Jack be stupid to try anything under our watch."

After getting dressed, (Name) and Bernard met up with Jack in the courtyard. "Ah-ha! (Name) my dear! So, lovely to see you. And you as well Bernard. I've made you both coffee." Jack handed them each a mug of coffee that was frozen solid.

"Uh... you do know coffee suppose to be warm right?" (Name) asked, poking the frozen liquid inside, feeling it's as hard as ice. "Haven't you heard of ice coffee?" Jack asked, only getting a laugh out of himself.

"What would it be today? Toy making? Banking perhaps? Or maybe..." Jack smiles at (Name). "Helping out Miss Little Helper. I'm open to anything really." Jack said with a grin and a chuckle. (Name) look pass Jack at Curtis, who was working on a sign. "Uh... how about you help the elves make over the Pole, so it looks like Canada."

"Very well. I will not let you down (Name)!" Jack said, with a smile. (Name) nodded and walk pass him. "Excuse me." Bernard and Jack watch (Name) leave for a moment, before they turned to each other. "So, what she like. You know in..."

Bernard threw his mug of frozen coffee on the ground, causing it to smash but leaving the coffee untouched in it's frozen block. Bernard step closer to Jack, pointing at him threateningly. "I tolerated your behavior before because of you're position as a Legendary Figure. But now you're under my watch! And I will not tolerate you bothering my wife. Do we have an understanding?"

Jack nodded, holding up his hands in surrender. "Of course! You won't have to worry about me. You married her after all. I can't beat that I'm afraid." Bernard drop his hand, starting at Jack intensely. "Good. I need to check on the workshop. I better not hear any complaints from the elves."

"You won't. I swear I'll be on my best behavior!" Jack said, smiling innocently. Bernard stares at Jack for a second longer before he marched off towards the workshop. Jack drop his smiled and look over at (Name) talking to Curtis. "Hmph." A sly smirk grows on his lips before he walked off to help the elves.

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now