The Key To Being Santa

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(Name) stood in front of the mirror in her room, frowning at her own referencing. "Hmmm." She poke the tip of her right elf ear that has gotten even smaller and become more human like. She let a sigh and grab some earmuffs, debating whether or not she should start hiding her ears from the elves.

"(Name)?" Hearing Bernard call, (Name) look over the railing to see her boyfriend on the ground floor. "It's a new day and we have to keep an eye on the toy Santa." Bernard explained as (Name) walked down the spiral stair case, to get down from the loft. "I know. Honestly I still think we be better off locking robo-Santa in a closet somewhere. I don't trust that thing for a second."

"What are the earmuffs for?" Bernard asked, noticing the pair in her hand. "Oh uh..." (Name) shrugged. "I just thought... when my ears turn back I'll probably going have to hide them all over again. Can't let the elves think anything wrong."

"You don't have to do that, Snowbell. I'm sure the elves won't even notice." Bernard told her, smiling as he walked over to gently push hair behind her left ear. His smile weakens a bit when he sees just how much smaller her ears have gotten. They're already almost human like again.

"Really?" (Name) asked, causing Bernard to force up his smile again as he nodded. "Of course! They're hardly noticeable!" (Name) smiles, taking comfort in that. "You two lovebirds coming or do I have to do everything myself?" Curtis asked, barging into (Name's) room to check on them.

"We're coming, Curtis. Hold your reindeer." (Name) told the smaller elf, who froze as he stares up at (Name). "What?" The girl asked, as Bernard shook his head and signaled for Curtis to not say anything.

"Your ears are so small already! You almost look human again!" Curtis said, causing Bernard to drop his arms and stare at the elf with a furious look in his eyes. "Curtis!" (Name) took her earmuffs and slap them on her head, to cover up her ears. "What? I was just stating a fact." Curtis said, as the couple glared at him.

Despite Bernard's attempts to make (Name) feel better, she refused to removed her earmuffs and now started walking around with them on. The elves didn't seem to notice or mind, since it is the North Pole. Even though they like the cold and have specially designed clothing, the weather can still be a bit too harsh for some to handle. So, when the elves saw the earmuffs they just assumed, (Name) trying to keep her ears warm.

(Name), Bernard, and Curtis stood in Scott's room watching Toy Santa play with his own reflection in the mirror. "I am Santa Claus. Boo!" Toy Santa laughs and does a little dance in front of the mirror.

"Yeah. No, no, I think that this is gonna work. Good... Good job, Curtis." Bernard told the younger elf. "Would it kill you to give a wholehearted compliment?" Curtis asked him.

"Hmm." Bernard turns to his girlfriend. "(Name)." Hearing her name called, (Name) perked up and looked at Bernard, who smiles at her. "You look lovely today." (Name) smiles back. "Aw thanks." Curtis rolled his eyes. "Always playing favorites." He muttered.

"Ho, ho, ho. Ho, ho, ho." Toy Santa said, still playing with the mirror. "Santa?" Curtis called, causing Toy Santa to step away from the mirror. "I need you to look at this." Curtis takes out the Santa handbook, holding it out to the doppelganger.

"All right!" Toy Santa lean down to look at the book. "Nice!" He then goes back to looking at the mirror. "No. I mean, I need you to read it." Curtis told him. "Can he even read?" (Name) whisper to Bernard, who shrugged.

"Well, let's try to be specific, shall we?" Toy Santa takes the book from Curtis and points to his desk. "Ha-ha! I'll take a look at it over at my desk." The Toy Santa then waddles his way over to the desk to take a seat and begin reading.

"How does he know where it is?" Bernard asked Curtis as the trio make their way to the desk as well. "I programmed him that way. He has most of Santa's memories." Curtis explained.

Toy Santa picks up a magnifying glass on the desk, using it to help him read. "Okay, we need you to study everything that's in that book because it is the key to being Santa." Curtis told the Toy.

"Right! I'll memorise everything in the book. I'll follow all the rules. Cause rules are very important!" Curtis smiles, turning to (Name) and Bernard. "I like this guy." He told them. "I can barely read this." Toy Santa said to himself, as he flip through the pages.

"Is this really necessary? He's just a stand, he really doesn't need to know the rules." (Name) said to Curtis. "What if he endangers the elves by breaking safety rules?" Curtis brought up, (Name) thinks for a moment then nods. "I guess you got a point there."

"Hi, Santa." Abby said, entering the room with a tray of cocoa. Toy Santa looks up from the book. "Uh... Hi." He said, looking at Curtis for instructions on what to do. Abby sets the tray on the desk, starring at the doppelganger in shock. "Oh. You look..."

Bernard quickly lean down to to Abby's level. "Like he got a good night's sleep." Abby looks at Toy Santa who begins playing with the magnifying glass. "Like you got a verrry good night's sleep! How about a nice chocolatey cocoa?"

Toy Santa looks up from the book, looking at Curtis for help. The glasses wearing elf smiles and nods his head, Toy Santa mimics his actions. Shaking his head and opening his mouth as he smiles. Abby smiles and begins pouring the cocoa.

Bernard looks at Toy Santa with a 'dear god we are doom' look on his face. (Name) gives a worried smile. Curtis place his hand under his chin, pushing it up signaling for Toy Santa to close his mouth. Toy Santa does so by mimicking Curtis exactly, closing his mouth with his hand.

Abby holds the mug out, which Toy Santa takes. Bernard and (Name) stared heard at the Toy Santa, unsure if it's even safe for him to drink or eat food. "Careful, it's hot." Abby told Toy Santa. "Of course it is." Toy Santa replied, before looking over at Curtis, who uses his hand to Signal him to drink it.

Toy Santa opens his mouth wide and downs the whole drink all in one go. Abby's eyes widen as Toy Santa keeps drinking until the mug is empty. Finally he pulls the empty mug away from his plastic lips. "AAGH!" Toy Santa screamed, causing Abby to take a step back. Toy Santa place the mug back on the tray.

"WHOA! THAT'S DELICIOUS!!! I like cocoa! Cocoa's superior refreshment! HAHAHAH! Get me some more cocoa! WHOO!" Toy Santa said, making Abby smile. "Right away, Santa." She said, picking up her tray and heading to the exit.

(Name) looks at Toy Santa unsure and leans down to Curtis' level. "Will he need to go to the bathroom later?" Curtis held up his hand and open his mouth to answered, but stopped, thinking it over. "I don't... really know." He answered. "I'm not showing him how to use a toilet if he does." Bernard said, looking at Toy Santa in disgust.

Toy Santa who ignore the three, went back to reading his book. "Ho, whoa! I think Santa feels a little buzz WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now