The First Red Flag

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(I couldn't find a good photo for this chapter so here's a meme I found instead.)

Bernard and (Name) decided it was finally time to let Toy Santa into the Workshop. They can't keep him locked up in Scott's room forever, not without the elves becoming suspicious. As long as they keep an eye on the Toy and make sure he doesn't do anything bad, it'll be fine.

"Santa, look forward and put on a smiley face. Say hello to your elves." Bernard told the Toy Santa, who looked up from his Handbook still reading through it. "Ho, ho, ho! You're doing a wonderful job!"

A little elf comes up, holding a toy car. "Santa, when you said the bigger wheels, is this what you meant?" Toy Santa looked at Bernard for a moment then back at the elf. "Ho, ho, ho! You're doing a wonderful job!" The elf walk off, satisfied enough with that answer.

"You're doing great. Dial it down on the ho-ho-ho's, but otherwise you're gold." Bernard told the doppelgänger. "Ho, ho ho! Ho, ho, ho, ho, HO, HO! Ho, ho, ho." Toy Santa said, walking off on his own.

The trio stop, watching the Toy blend right in. "Hm. Maybe this might actually work out." (Name) said, holding her chin in thought. Curtis smiles and gestures to her while looking at Bernard. "Look! Even (Name) coming around! Why don't you just say it? 'You were right, Curtis. I was wrong.'"

Bernard rolled his eyes. "Okay, okay, I admit it. They're happy. They're working hard. Everything's going to be fine." The Head Elf said, patting Curtis on the shoulder. (Name) smiles and ruffles Curtis' hair. "Nice work, Genius." The glasses elf smiles with pride, feeling like he's finally proven himself.

Toy Santa walks back over to the trio, looking at his book. "This book is very interesting reading. There's a lot of rules they're not following." He said, looking up from the pages.

"That's what I've been saying all along! Things have gotten a little too sloppy around here. Ever since our Head Elf got all lovey-dovey." Curtis said, gesturing to (Name) once again. "I beg your pardon?" Bernard asked, looking at Curtis insulted. "Excuse me?" (Name) asked at the same time as Bernard, while putting her hands on her hips and looking at Curtis likes she's about to kill him.

"Well then no wonder they're not following the rules! If Head Elf doesn't follow them why should they?" Toy Santa said, looking at Bernard. "Wha... What are you talking about? Bernard's like the model elf of following the rules!" (Name) said, while Bernard nodded.

"Not with this rule here he's not!" Toy Santa holds out the book pointing at one of the rules. "Elves are not allowed to engage in romantic or physical relationships with humans." Toy Santa read out loud. "But I'm not an human, I'm an elf." (Name) told the Toy.

"Uh... No you're not. Elves have pointy ears, you have giant round fluffy ears." Toy Santa said, with a smile. "These aren't ears, their earmuffs!" (Name) said, pointing at the earmuffs on her head. "Oh really? Then take them off."

(Name) goes quite, not removing the earmuffs. Her ears are getting smaller and more human shape day by day. Showing them would only prove Toy Santa point more that she's not an elf.... Not anymore. "That's what I thought!" Toy Santa said, leaning forward and getting close to her face.

Toy Santa stand up straight again, looking at Curtis. (Name) looks at the ground in shame, pressing her hands to her ear muffs. Bernard look at his girlfriend with pity, before he glared at the Toy Santa for upsetting her.

"Sloppiness means mistakes. MISTAKES AREN'T A GOOD THING!" Toy Santa yelled. Bernard look at the toy surprise by this sudden outburst. "I might have to make some changes here." Toy Santa said. "What do you have in mind?" Curtis asked, eagerly.

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now