Jack Frost

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In the kitchen, the elves ready the table for the Legendary Figures, placing their names in front of their seats. "Open the doors if you want to fall in love! Hey, everybody, look, Cupid in the house. Oh, work, work, work. That's nice to see."

"Hi, Cupid." The elves said to the tiny legendary figure as he flew into the kitchen. "What'd I miss? Where's fat boy?" He asked, right as Scott and (Name) enter the kitchen.

"Merry Christmas, everybody. Cupid, what's up? Hey, EB." Scott goes to his seat greeting the other members, while (Name) stands behind him. "Molarnator. Sandman. Mother Nature, Father Time. Merry Christmas, again. Good to see everyone. Do you really think it's necessary to call an emergency council meeting? I'm ready to ride the sleigh, know what I mean?"

"Santa, we thought you should see this." Mother Nature turn around a cardboard cut out, showing it was of Jack Frost with a blue sash that said, Merry Frostmas. "Silver bells!"

"I found 270 of them at shopping malls scattered across the Northwest. I hereby call this special session of the Council of Legendary Figures to order." Mother Nature explained, as Scott took his seat. "This is ridiculous."

Mother Nature pick up her gavel, slamming it on the block. "SANDMAN!" She yelled, waking up the Legendary Figure who's responsible for putting everyone to sleep at night. "I'm up, I'm up!"

"Hey, Cupid, nice skirt." Easter Bunny said chuckling to himself, being The only one that finds it funny. Cupid crossed his legs in anger. "Easter Bunny." Mother Nature bangs her gavel again, getting everyone to shut up and listen. "Our first and only order of business is the disciplinary action to be taken against council member Jack Frost."

"Now that's what I'm talking about." Everyone groan at the sound that familiar voice. Jack Frost enters the kitchen, wearing sunglasses. (Name) and Jack eyed each other as he walk over to the table. Jack removed his singles giving her a wink, before looking at the other Legendary Figures.

"You love it. Am I right? You guys finally woke up and are giving me my own holiday. Frostmas, of course, is just a placeholder. I'm wide open. Frostgiving, the Frost of July. Frosthog Day. The possibilities are endless."

"Jack, you are hereby charged with 273 counts of attempted upstaging of Santa Claus. You froze a volcano in Hawaii, you made it snow in the Amazon and you frosted Mexico, sending all of the geese north for the winter. You have violated the Legendary Figures code of conduct in a manner that is both willful and malicious."

"Excuse me. Did you just accuse me of being skilful and delicious? Oh, please. Guilty as charged." Jack said, holding up his hand as he grins.

"You herald the season. You're not a holiday." Father Time told him, causing Jack's smile to drop. "You're the best friend, you're not the leading man." Tooth Fairy said. "And you kill fruit!" Easter Bunny added.

"All in favor of suspending Jack Frost from the Legendary Council, please say..." Father Time started, everyone was already raising their hands. Jack begins to panic and jumps in to stop them. "Wait a minute! Father Time, wait a minute. You gotta understand, I have enormous untapped potential. But all I am, year after year, is an opening act. A setup man for Mr. Big."

"Jack, why don't you let that go?" Scott asked him. "No, no, no." Jack said, getting up in Scott's face. "The same conversation every year." Scott said, to the other Legendary Figures.

"You get the soda cans and the TV specials. The postage stamps, the billboards, the beautiful adoring wife, and the army of toy-building yes men. What do I get? A few runny noses and some dead citrus." Jack explained, standing up look at the other Figures. "You know, Jack..." Scott bang his hands on the table as he stood up. Jack fell back into his seat, surprised by this outburst.

"It's no picnic being me! Because of our production problems a continent might go without toys this year. That's right. On top of that, I've got to protect the Secret of Santa this year because the in-laws... Oh boy, the in-laws... Mr. and Mrs. In Bad Mood Every Time I Turn Around, are coming up to the Pole. They're not supposed to, I gotta come up with a solution. On top of that, I'm a bit worried about being a Father again because I wasn't all that good at it the first two times."

Scott drop back down in his seat, leaving everyone stunned. (Name) look at the ground for a moment in pity, before she walk over to stand next to her father, patting him on the shoulder. "Oh, Santa. We had no idea." Mother Nature told him.

"Oh, Santa, I'm sorry." Jack said, getting up from his seat, placing his hand on Scott's other shoulder. "If it were me in the red suit, I'd probably go right to the Escape Clause." Cupid said, laying down in the air.

"Oh, no, the Escape Clause. Way too extreme. Really." Scott said, as his daughter nodded in agreement. "Escape Clause? What's up with that?" Jack asked, with a sly grin.

"Maybe if you'd attend a meeting once in a while you'd know." Father Time told him. "You manipulate time but you can't grow hair." Jack said back, Eastern Bunny gasp in shock, while Father Time glares back at Jack. "Legendary? I don't think so." Jack added, causing Easter Bunny to cover his eyes in fear.

"Look, look. I'm not evoking the Clause. I made a commitment. I'm not gonna ruin my or my daughter's life just because I have a lot on my plate. I'll handle the toys, and I'll be there when my wife delivers that baby." Scott told everyone.

"Let me help." Jack said. "You've done quite enough." Father Time told him. "No, no, no. Instead of a suspension, how about community service?" Jack suggested. "Oh, please." Scott said, turning his seat so he couldn't look at Jack.

"What if... What if I... What if I tutor myself at the elbow of the master? I could lend a hand. Make some toys, wrap a few presents. And if I don't make it with the hefty man here, then he says the word and you suspend me. Please, Santa. I know I don't deserve another chance, but I am asking you for one. I want to make things right."

Scott crossed his arms, thinking it over. "All right." He said, causing Jack to smile and (Name) to frown. "You don't want to get suspended? I'll give you one more chance. Have to be a Jack Frost-of-all-trades." Scott told him. "Yes." Jack said. "You also have to listen to the elves." Scott added. "Uh-huh." Jack replied, nodding.

"(Name) your boss." Scott said next. "Oh?" Jack look at (Name) with a flirtatious smile. "And so is Bernard." Scott added, causing Jack to drop his smile in disappointment. "Oh."

"And I mean it. If there's one, one icicle out of place, you are gone." Scott told him. "I will not let you down." Jack said, smiling. Mother Nature smiles and pick up her gavel. "Motion carried." She bangs it on the block, ending the meeting.

(Name) look at her father, who turn to face her. "What?" He asked. "Nothing. I just haven't said anything in a while."

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now