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(Name) was helping Carol look at the available trees, to pick out the perfect one. "When you said it was important, I didn't imagine it be picking out a tree." (Name) said. "I'm sorry, (Name). I... I just felt a little lonely." Carol admitted. "I understand. It took me a while to get used to the Pole."

"But you had Bernard. I have your father but..." Carol thinks for a moment, and let's out a heavy sigh. "But he's always busy doing something else. Never making any time for you?" (Name) asked, Carol looks at her a nod. "Yeah. That's Dad for ya." (Name) said, now look in surprise. "Yes... yes it is." Carol said, looking hurt.

Jack peeks out from behind a tree, watching the women with a grin. "Hey, Mrs. C. (Name). What you doing?" He asked, coming out of hiding to greet them. "Oh, hi, Jack." Carol greet him with a kind smile, while (Name) was not as pleased to see him. "Jack, I thought I told you to..."

"And I did! You'll see the whole Pole is now decorated with signs and... other Canadian things. Mrs. C's folks won't even suspect they're anywhere but Canada!" (Name) glance around, seeing all the signs are up. "Hmm." She nodded in approval. "Good job, Jack. Maybe I misjudged you."

Jack grins ear to ear. "Really? That makes me so happy to hear that from you (Name). I told you I wouldn't let you down." He said, putting his hands in his pocket. "There's still time." (Name) said, making Jack laugh. "Oh you." He said, playfully slapping her shoulder. "You're just adorable! Bernard could not be a more luckier elf!"

Jack gives another laugh, looking at Carol as she feels one of the tree branches. "So, what are you ladies doing?" He asked, grinning back at (Name). "I'm trying to pick out a tree the whole family will love. (Name) is helping me." Carol answered, looking at another tree.

"Ah. Family. You know, I cannot imagine how hard it must be keeping such a big secret from your folks." Jack said, glancing at (Name) to see she's looking at a different tree. He smiles, going over to Carol. "Oh, you have no idea."

"Tell me, Mrs. Claus, being legendary by marriage, do you ever find yourself wondering if it's all really worth it?" Jack asked. "Well, it's definitely worth it." Carol replied going to another tree, that was much different from the rest.

"I'm sure dropping your old life and schlepping all the way up to the North Pole has been totally worthwhile." Jack said, standing behind her with a grin on his face. "Yeah." Carol replied. "Probably not one iota, not even a scintilla, of regret?" Jack asked. "Not one." Carol replied, dropping her smile slightly.

"Yeah." Jack look at the tree Carol is checking out. "Look at that. Oh, dear. A little sad, neglected maybe. Just needs a little tender loving care that nobody's bothering to give, don't you think?"

Carol looks at the tree and smiles. "It's perfect. I will give you all the TLC that you need." She turns to look at Jack. "Scott loves decorating the tree with me. He always insists on putting the tree topper on himself."

Hearing sleigh bells jingle the two look up, to see Scott flying in from the hole. "Ho ho ho!" Carol gasps with excitement. "They're here!" She said, running off to greet them. Jack mocks her gasp, softly clapping his hands. "This is so exciting."

(Name) grabs Jack back the back of his vest, pulling him to the back, where she slam him into the wall. "Oh hello." Jack said, looking at (Name) with a sly grin. "If we're gonna be more physical, (Name). You could at least take me out to dinner first."

"Cut the jokes, Jack! Don't act like I couldn't hear what you said to my Step Mom." (Name) said, pointing at him threateningly. "What did I say? I was only making friendly conversation." Jack replied. "You kept asking her if she regretted coming here."

"Well she did marry Santa so suddenly in order to save Christmas. I be surprised if she didn't have any regret. Especially since she married your father. Always tied up making time for everyone except for her... or even you..." (Name's) glare softens at this.

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now